Im sorry

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"GET AWAY!" yells yoongi, pushing through the crowd, running from taehyung.

"YOONGI IT WASNT WHAT IT LOOKED LIKE!" yells Taehyung back, running towards the sobbing .

Yoongi turns around, facing the man. The party had about hundreds of people in it. Everyone bumping into each other, the sound of loud music played. "Yeah.... thats what you say everytime Taehyung. You dont get it do you..."

Taehyung looks at the ground. "Yoongi, i really am so--" yoongi turns around and thinks for a second.

"Yoongi.." he says, with his deeply voice.

"I cant do this anymore Taehyung, i think its time we split. Were totally different people. I hate having my heart broken... but you.." yoongi holds back his tears, biting his bottom lip. "you must love your heart broken." Says yoongi.

Yoongi pushes a girl and she spills her drink. He opens the door and slams it. Theres a moment of silence but then everyone just shrugs it off and starts dancing again. Taehyung fixes his tie, centering it. He sniffs and leaves the party.

Taehyung searches for Yoongi, hoping he could find him. He asks a couple people if theyve seen him but they all say no.

It starts to rain and taehyung runs under the bus stop shelter. He sits down on the bench and notices he sat by another sad person. Taehyung fixes his wet hair by patting it down. The man looks at taehyung.

"What are you doing out here?" Says the man. "Its literally pouring and its 12:08 in the morning man."

"Ahhh... ive been looking for someome. I was just at a party, you?" Taehyung asks.

"Oh, I just got dumped, fun right?" He says, laughing sarcastically.

"Tell me about it." Says Taehyung looking down, thinking about Yoongi. "Im kind of in a bad situation.. mind to help me? Im not really good with relationship stuff."

"Sure thing, what do you need help with", says the guy facing me.

"Ahhh, well i was approached by this girl in this party, and she was feeling me up and stuff and she kind of started forcing my pants open and right when she kissed me, my boyfriend came in." Says taehyung, with his lips perked up.

"Oh, wow... thats quite the situation." He says." Well, honestly i would just approach him or call him and just say something like hey man, what you saw was a mistake. This girl was drunk and she just came up on me. Please forgive me? And if they dont then obviously they arent trusting in you so just give it up. Theres so many men out there and with you being a very handsome man, im sure you can find a man like that."

"Man thanks, i owe you big time." Says taehyung, smirking. "Hey, see you around maybe?" Says taehyung, highfiving the man.

"Oh definetly, heres my number by the way incase you need more advice." He hands taehyung a card, with his number, street address, and name on it.

Taehyung grabs the card from him and smiles," What a beautiful name."

"Thanks," he says," you?"

"Awww, im Kim Taehyung, call me Tae for short if you want." Says Kim

"See you around buddy." He says.

Taehyung smiles. " see you later."

Taehyung gets up from the bench and walks into the rain, covering his hair with a mewspaper he found on the bench.

Taehyung thinks of the guy again, remembering his face.

He starts walking under a streetlight where you could see rain dripping off of rapidly.

" Kim Seokjin." Says Taehyung, smerking and shaking his head.

* Yoongi *

I slam the front door of my mothers house.

"HEY DONT SLAM MY DOOR!" Yells Yoongi's mom.

Yoongi runs upstairs and shuts his door softly, still balling. He rips off his shoes and coat and jumps into his bed. When he lands into his bed he spots a picture of him and taehyung on his night stand. He grabs it and stares at it for a moment but then throws it into the trash which was all the way across the room. He then hears his phone go off.

He reaches into his right pocket and spots a text from taehyung. It was too big to just see without opening it so Yoongi didnt want to open it. He opened it anyway..

" Yoongi, this all is a mistake. The girl was drunk and you just happened to walk in when she freaking grabbed my head and forced me to kiss her. Man, was she strong. But not as strong as you Yoongi. Why dont we talk tomorrow?"

After reading the message, Yoongi throws his phone across the room and it hits the wall and breaks.

*** yoongi's mind***

I hate him so much. He always fucking does this and it pisses me off. He says it was by mistake when it was intensional to happen. He probably lied to some stranger on the street to make me look bad. By tomorrow hes probably going to have someone else. Its just not fucking worth it. I wish things were how they used to be.

** real life **

I run across my room to the door and run downstairs.

"Mom im moving out, no butts, im freaking 23 and i can live on my own now." Says yoongi.

"Finally, my god i was wishing for this for more than 4 years. Just leave already god damn." She says

Yoongi was kind of heartbroken by what his mother just said. He was expecting her to never let him go but rather then that she wanted him to go? This is why Yoongi hated his life.

He runs upstairs and packs everything. It seems so sudden but i need a new life. I hate it here. Everyone here is crap. No one here knows what love is.

As soon as yoongi gets done he grabs his broken phone and runs back downstairs.

"So, when will i see you again?" Says his mother.

"I dont know." Says yoongi.

"You know im happy for you yoongi, i love you, you know that?"

Yoongi turns around, smiling. "Mom, really?"

She walks up to him." Get the fuck out of my house, you've done enough stuff to this family. This is why im like this.

"Mom, your fucking mental and need a doctor get your fucking crusty hands off me before i call the fucking police." Says yoongi in his annoyed state.

She grabs his bag.

"MOM GET AWAY." He shoves her and she crashes into a wine bottle and it breaks.

"COME BACK HERE NOW!!" She screams.


Yoongi opens the door and slams it, right before she could tackle him. He sits down in the front stairs, catching his breath. He puts on his gray beanie and could here his mom whimpering for help. She was on the other side of the door. Yoongi listens but then talks to her.

"Mom, i love you so much, it hurts so much that we have to be this way. When i come back for you mama, ill be sending help, ok mom? Ill make sure you live the best life youve every fucking lived. I swear i will earn money for both of us and dad. I love you mom. I know these last years have been hard but trust me mom, ill will try to make things work out. I know you cant think properly and youll forget my name, but i just want you to know that im your son and if thats the one thing you can remember on this planet because of your alzheimers then that would be the best gift for me right now because currently, no one loves me and its so hard mom, so fucking hard." Yoongi beats his right fist up against the door and starts crying even harder. "Bye momma, i love you."


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2019 ⏰

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