Chapter 1

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The first time she ever saw a superhero was when she was 8. They marched down the streets, grinning, and waving as people threw confetti and fake alien heads at them. It had been a few days after the liberation of humankind from the aliens, and everyone was in a frenzy. Cala watched the parade from her tiny, and cramped room as they passed by. Her alien master had kept her enclosed in this room, like one kept a hamster in a cage. She was only allowed out on days after parties, to clean. Cala knew she was free now, but it just felt right staying in the room. It had been her home. As Cala watched the hero's pass her, she grinned hopefully, waving, cheering, trying to catch their attention, just like the thousands of other people. Real live hero's right in front of her own window, what a day! But she knew it was hopeless as they slowly moved forwards, gazes passing over her, and she began to recede back into her chamber. She was just a little, unimportant little girl. She sighed, and turned to jump down her windowsill. And then, stars upon stars, one of them looked at her. Cala remembered that moment even better then the moment she was told her alien master was gone and she was free. Because a real live hero, noticing her a nobody, was a moment to remember. The piercing blue eyes had trained on her, as the strong, and confident girl's head bobbed once in acknowledgement. Then, Cala squealed, and ducked back under the window, her 8 year old heart bursting with excitement.

From then on, she decided it was her destiny to become the next superhero. Then, she could be as brave and as powerful as that girl. She could be loved.

The second time Cala saw a superhero, was 3 years later, when she was 11. It was after the Great Epidemic, the one where a quarter of the population was wiped out. She herself had had one of the more severe reactions. She had screamed and punched for 3 days straight, so much the doctors almost killed her on the spot, until she fell into a coma. When she woke up, she was perfectly normal, and the doctors claimed she was cured. Others were killed on the spot however, the moment they burst into flames without burning, and faded into the beds like chameleons. None were given even a chance. Including the man who had taken her in. Sir Jones.

Everyone had called him crazy, the lunatic who thought he remembered a time before the aliens. But Cala knew differently. She had loved his stories, of creatures and plants that had disappeared when the aliens came. Bears, lions, roses, violets. But her favorite stories were about creatures called birds. They had no magic whatsoever, and some could fit into the palm of her hand. Yet they could fly.

"Pure willpower." Sir Jones had told her. "They fly through pure willpower."

He had called her, his little bird. And Cala loved it.

Then, months later, he had gotten sick. Cala too. Both rolled around in agony, barely able to talk. Finally, people came, and took them to a hospital. Cala survived. Sir Jones, did not. He had been shot three times in the head, silenced effectively, since he had demonstrated signs of a superpower. Cala was alone once again.

And so, when Cala saw the heroes again, she looked at them with disgust. She stood out in the open this time, no longer cowering behind her walls.

"Monsters" she screamed with them, "You don't deserve to live."

Once again, the girl from 4 years ago met her eyes. Cala stilled. There was no recognition in them, just resignation. She gave Cala a sad smile, and turned away. A tomato narrowly missed her head. Cala had gone quiet, memories resurfacing from all those years ago. How different things had been. When she looked up, the girl was gone.

Cala later learned that the girl was the first to die.

Even after that, Cala still knew she was going to be a hero. She had to, it was her destiny. Sir Jones would have wanted it. Yet she couldn't stop thinking about the girl. Her idol. She had been loved, what happened?

She trembled at the thought of that happening to her. She would be good, kind, Cala decided. No one could hate her than.

That night, Cala's power first emerged.

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