All That's Known

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  Mark realized early on that high school in the 60s and high school in 2017 were two totally different things. He couldn’t quite remember what school in his old life was like, just vague blurs of school dances and lunches and boring class sessions where the teacher would drone on and on about some mundane topic that he couldn’t care less about. Nevertheless, he still noticed a difference between the way things were. Food sold by the school was more regulated, students were significantly more tolerable, and classes seemed to be ten times harder. Despite the change, Mark was still in Honors classes, and one of the top students in school. In turn, he was one of the least popular kids in his grade, and pretty much the entire school, but he didn’t let that get him down. After all, popularity had never been his primary goal.

  As he parked his car in its usual spot by the building, he tried with all his might to forget that usual feeling of anguish he got when he’d visit Whizzer’s grave. He had spent too many nights attempting to shake away the thought that his lover had been just like him, and his soul never transferred to an afterlife, but instead a new body. It was a bittersweet thought, but he knew it was simply that. A thought. An idea that was beyond all possibility.

  The hallway smelled of unhealthy snacks and flavored chapstick, and the repetitive clashing of lockers slamming shut made Mark jump as he had to duck past taller students and bookworms reading as they walked to even make it to his first class. He had come to a conclusion years before, on the first day of his freshman year, that he absolutely hated high school. The classes were long and useless, practically teaching him nothing about the world or how to survive alone in it. The students, though more accepting and open than in the 60s, were still awful and honestly more annoying. Mark hated this, but nevertheless continued his walk to English, his first class of the day.

  As he rounded a corner, his body was met with a sudden force and the next thing he knew, he was on the ground. A second or two passed by before he realized he had ran into some poor random kid, and finally opened his eyes to apologize.

  When he was met with beautiful brown eyes, all he could do was stare, suddenly losing the ability to speak with cognitive thought. Thankfully, the other boy decided to talk first, clearly annoyed at the inconvenience of being ran into. “Maybe you should watch where you’re going, man.” That was familiar. Too familiar. Mark had to bite his lip from making a comment, because he had never seen this boy before and if he was wrong, which he was definitely sure he was, he didn’t want to scare the boy away before he actually got a chance to meet him.

  But those eyes…

  “S-Sorry, I was just trying to get to class. I don’t think we’ve met before. I’m Marv- Mark.” He had always had a growing urge to use the name from his previous life. Besides, it didn’t even feel like this one was real. It was almost as if he was a 36 year old man living in the shell of an 18 year old boy. Wow, that totally doesn’t sound pedophilic.

   The boy didn’t respond for a minute, taking time to stand and fix his hair haphazardly. “I’m-” Just as he was about to announce himself, the bell rang, causing absolute chaos in the halls as students rushed to get to their classes before teachers started getting trigger happy with tardy slips and detentions. “-late, apparently. I’ll catch you later though,” he grinned, flashing a smile that made Mark’s heart ache. And then he winked, before disappearing into the sea of teenagers.

  Just like that, Mark’s thoughts about Whizzer returned, more alive and painful than ever.


  The middle of the day was always his favorite time, for one specific reason. After spending three years making friends with the drama teacher, he was granted with a spare key to the auditorium. The beauty of this was during his spare hour before lunch, he was able to sneak off to the private, peaceful bliss of the stage. As the bell rang to signal the beginning of his free period, he pretty much ran out of the room and in the direction of the arts wing. Upon arriving, he began the usual routine. Signing in, unlocking the door, and turning on the lights.

  Once he actually stood up on the stage, he got the amazing feeling of relaxation and all the tension from the typical school day life his body. Every day, this was the main thing he looked forward to. Standing on the stage, able to sing his heart out and get his feelings out. Seeing a therapist was out of the question, since nobody in their right mind would believe a 17 year old boy that he was once a gay man in the 80s with a boyfriend, an ex wife, and a son. So, instead, he took to song. Every song he wrote revolved around Whizzer in some way, and the one he was currently working on was even more so. He took a deep breath, let his mind wander, and began to sing, the familiar words coming out smoothly as he hoped for new ones to flow along with it.

Though the winter blows bitter cold

And bright days are done

There’s a season we’ll soon behold

When we’ll all laugh in the sun

  Mark closed his eyes as he sang, trying desperately to keep his words from trembling.

Though we danced and sang through the night

Now those nights are none

Soon they’ll come a new morning light

We’ll sing and dance in the sun

  Suddenly he wasn’t Mark anymore, and the man he missed was calmly leading him in a dance, singing softly along with him.

Though the fates have torn us apart

And we don’t know how or when

With the dawn I know in my heart

We’ll be together again

  Marvin was crying as Whizzer held him, not wanting to let go as he danced along happily. This was perfect. This was beautiful.

  This was...not real.

  Two voices slowly become one when Marvin realized it was all in his head, and Mark found his final verse, tears rushing down his face as the words practically fell out of his mouth.

I’ve known you a life and a day

But we’ve just begun

Come with me I’ll show you the way

We’ll soon live free in the sun

  He sniffled and sobbed, but let the silence fill the air for a couple moments.

We’ll soon live free in the sun

  A few seconds of silence passed by, and suddenly Mark was jolted from his own attempt at grieving by the sound of someone clapping at the back of the auditorium. He looked out to the array of seats to find the person clapping. The boy from earlier that morning. “So you’re hot and you can sing? Surprised the girls aren’t flocking to you...or the guys.”

  Mark wiped the stray tears from his eyes as he made his way off the stage to get closer to the boy, who still remained nameless to Mark's dismay. “More the second. I’m gay.”

  “Good to know I’m not the only one. There’s like, no queer people around here. It’s all sports and trucks and hunting and shit like that.” They laughed, but it was quickly followed by a semi-awkward silence. “So, what were you singing up there? Because you’re either a really good actor or that song really makes you emotional.”

  Mark cleared his throat before responding, trying to think of an answer that wouldn’t creep him out. “Uh, oh it’s just something I’ve been working on. I’m writing it for someone I lost a while ago…” he trailed off, fighting back tears once again.

  The boy understood that Mark didn’t want to speak of it and quickly changed the subject. “Well, since you unwillingly shared that song and your singing with me, I feel like it’s only fair for me to tell you my name.” He stuck his hand out, grinning that same grin that made Mark’s stomach churn. “I’m Michael.”

  Mark smiled and got ready to say something hopefully witty or charming, but the boy, apparently named Michael, wasn’t finished speaking. Mark’s heart fell to the floor, his eyes grew wide, and the sinking, anxious feeling returned yet grew ten thousand times stronger.

  “But everyone calls me Whizzer.”

(I've Known You) A Life and A DayWhere stories live. Discover now