Kicked Out

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"Wake up!" Taehyung called.
You turned over, literally swatting away your brother.
"Go away," You whined. Not that you didn't want him to, its just you hadnt gotten enough sleep after from last night. You had literally cried yourself to sleep.
"Come back later.." You whimpered, holding back your sudden rushing tears. Taehyung noiced the sudden sob in your breath, as he used his palm to rub your arm to try and relax you.
You inhaled sharply, as if you were crying. "Mom and Dad want us out by the time they get back," Taehyung said.
You could hear the anger in his voice, yet his voice was oddly calming to you. You shifted, rolling over to face him. "Do we even have a place to go?" You asked, wiping your already tear stained cheeks.
"Yeah, we will stay with my best friends," He responded. You nodded, sitting up. "What time is it?" You asked. Taehyung smiled at you, "Time for you to get ready for school,"
You looked over at your clock next to your bed, 6:35 am. "I could sleep in til 7.." You groaned lazily. Taehyung waved his index finger in the air, "Nope~ you need to get up and get ready," He said. "Besides, I'm doing all the packing for you myself. So be thankful," He finished. You groaned, gettting out of bed.
You slipped on your uniform, pulling up your thigh highs. Then putting your hair in a high pony tail, as well as putting some mascara on your lashes. When you looked presentable, you gave a small smile then left.
"Here is the address, go there. A guy named Yoongi should be there, just tell him your my sister," Taehyung says, handing you a small note with a address written on it.
You nodded, making your way down the stairs and out the door.
~Location; The School~
As you make your way to the school gate you notice Jackson sitting on a bench near it. You walk up to him, "Hey Jimmy Taco," You laugh. Jackson looks up at you, he doesnt laugh, he doesn't do anything. He just seems.. Expressionless.
"Something wrong?" You ask, as you sit beside him. "My girlfriend, she being a total Bitch.." He sighs. You rest your hand on his shoulder, "Its okay. You know ill always be here for you right?" You ask. "Yeah of course. Thanks Y/N," He replies, curving his lips into a smile. You nod, as the bell rings signaling go to class. You jumped up, "Race you to class!" You laughed, running quickly inside the building. You make your way quickly up the stairs, you could hear a voice every now and then saying something. But you couldnt make it out.
As you reached class, with a panting Jackson behind you. "Haha, I win again!" You smile, walking to your seat. Jackson plops down in his, "Y/N, did you hear?" Your friend Charissa asks. You shake your head, did something happen with the whore of the school again? Did Jine try seduce another first year? You look at Charissa, waiting for an answer. "There is a new hot male teacher!" Charissa Chims. You shake you head, looking the other direction. Every time a new hot male teacher comes to the school, all the female students come to school. And they flaunt over him, some girls get lucky and "score" with him. Thats how they get their grades to come up, having sex with the male teachers that are attractive. You never truely understood it, but it did bother you. If thats the way to get grades, then why do we even go to school? You could just be a prostitute and be smart that way. The teacher enters from the door, "Hello everyone! I am the new teacher, Park Jimin," He bows and smiles. Looking around at all the guys and girls, his gaze lands on you.
You want to cringe up your nose, but remain with a simple smile. Maybe it was a bad idea to come to school with a high pony tail. Scratching your neck, you look down at your notebook taking a pencil and start doodling. "Now since its only fair, you all can ask me a question, and then ill ask one back," He smiles.
The first hand you notice that bolts straight in the air, is Jine's hand. "Yes Ms. Min?" He asks. "Are you single?" She smirks, You could clearly see the horrified look on Mr. Parks face as he was just asked the question by a whore. "In fact I'm am," He sighs, rubbing his forehead with his fingers. "Okay then. I'm ready for my question," She smiles, trying to act cute. But it just makes you want to puke. "Uh.. Why are you asking me non-school appropriate questions? Shouldnt you just focus on school?" He asks, a few heard giggles around as well as small laughs from the guys. As Jine was clearly roasted by Mr. Park, she was embarrassed. "Anyone else?" He smiles, looking in my direction as my hand was raised. "Ms. Kim, what might your question be?" He asks. You lowered your hand, what was my question?
"What will you be teaching us this year? Anything interesting? History? Math?" You ask. His plump lips lift into a smile.
"This year you will all learn how to do calculus," He smiled. "Great.. That means we will struggle so hard with homework." Your friend Charissa sighs. You giggle a bit, "I bet I know more than you in this subject," You smirked, you wanted to see how smart this man was. You wanted to see if he was just teasing at teaching you all calculus.
"Okay, then ill give you question," He smiles.
"Bring it on," You become serious.
"You will have 5 minutes to complete a question that took the smartest student in school 1 hour and 45 minutes to complete,"
You looked at him wide eyed, is he crazy? He expects you to answer a question that took the smartest kid in the whole entire school 1 hour and 45 minutes to answer a simple Calculus question?
He must be crazy.
"Okay, what does **Weird super hard calculus question** equal?" He asks.
You look at him, then at your notebook. You begin working out the question as he explains it too you.
"The answer is **The answer to that weird calculus question**," You responded.
Mr. Park's eyes had got big, "Oh.." Was all that came out.
You looked at him, "Did I get it right?" You asked. Mr. Park looked at his book, he looked back at you. "Mr. Wang, what was Ms. Kim's time?" He asked. Jackson looked at his phone. "2 minutes and 32 seconds," He replied. Mr. Park looked at me, "Your answer was.. Correct," He responded. Your eyes beamed with excitement, "HA! I told you I'm smart," You crossed your arms, kicking one leg over the other.
Mr. Park smiled. You were asking lots of questions, which students seemed surprised.
The day went by fast, before you had realized, the bell rang for us to go home. "Remember to get the syllabus signed by Friday!" Mr. Park yelled. You just chuckled, before exiting. Following Jackson down the stairs to the entrance gate. "I can see you had fun today," Jackson scoffed. You nodded, "Yeah, I wanted to show how dumb Mr. Park is," You responded. Jackson shook his head, "Ill see you tomorrow Nerd," He laughed. You wanted to smack him on the arm, but you reframed from doing so.
"See you tomorrow," You responded. You pulled out the small piece of paper, that had the address labeled on it. You read the address on it, than began walking towards it.
~Location; The House~
You stand at the front of the house, Taehyung's bestfriends live here? Its like a mansion! You walk up to the front door, hesitating slightly you began to knock on the door. You heard sudden movements, then the door opens. Revealing a Minty haired man. This must be yoongi.. You thought. "Hello?" He said.
"H-Hi! I'm taehyungs sister... He told me to come here," You showed him the note. Yoongi smiled slightly, then moving slightly to let you in. You walk in, looking at how beautifully the place is bulit. "This way," He says. You follow him up to a set of stairs, walking up to a room guessing its yours. "Since we didn't have a extra room, you have to share one with Jin," He says. "Don't worry, he is very respectful, you also have a bathroom that connects to another room. But you will see him later," Yoongi finishes talking. You look around, "Uhm.. There is only one bed," You say, Yoongi looks at the bed. "You and jin have to share it," He says. "W-What!? What if he tries to do something!? I'm not sleeping with a stranger!" You complain. Yoongi looks at you, "It the only option right now. As we speak another room is being built, so while that room is being built you will have to share a room. When the room is finished being built, Jin will move into there so you can have this room to yourself," Yoongi rambles on. "Okay Okay. I get it now," You whine. "Do you know when my brother comes back?" You ask. Yoongi shrugs, "Try calling him," He responds. "If you need anything, I'm down stairs in the living room," He says, he walks out shutting the door.
You grab your phone and dial Taehyungs number.

When are you coming back? And is my stuff here?

Yeah, it should be in the closet. And ill be back in a hour or so, I'm helping Jin with some shopping for food.

I wanna kill whoever set up the rooms.


Because Jin and I share the same room, and we both have to sleep in the same bed since there isn't another bed.

I'm sure the room thats being built will be done by Friday. Jin wont do anything, he respects peoples space. He doesnt get close to anyone unless he is really close with them like bestfriend or family.

He better not doing anything. I will burn this house down of he tries to do anything.

And if you do that, you'll be paying for repairs.

ANYway.. Just hurry and get back.

Okay, see you then.

Taehyung hangs up before you could say bye back to him.
You go into the closet and change into a long shirt with a pair of short shorts. You lay back in bed, completely exhausted.

It felt like days until I heard the door open to my room, I seen three figures standing in the door way. Taehyung, and who I assume was Jin. But..
"Mr. Park!?" You jump up. Mr. Park seemed surprised that you were inside this house. "W-What is she doing here!?" Mr. Park looks at Taehyung. "That's my little sister," Taehyung smiles.
"Taehyung I'm going to kill you!" You and Mr. Park tell at the same time.

Why am I living with my teacher? You think.


Park Jimin {DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now