Come My Way

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"What the hell!" You complain, he actually expects that you'll be living with Mr. Park. As in Park Jimin..
He must be crazy.
"Y/N, its only going to be for a while," Taehyung responds. You squeeze your hands into a fist, "You must be fucking kidding me! I won't have it! I'm going some where else!" You yell. You walk to the closet and take a bag, putting some clothes in it. "Where the hell are you going to go!?" Taehyung yells. "I don't exactly know.. But I'm sure ill find a place!" You snapped back at him. "Mhm, and where would that be??" He asked sarcastically.
You didnt respond, you grabbed you bag, which was actually a small backpack. You slipped it on, shoving past your brother. You bolt down the stairs, crashing out the door. You run so far, farther than what you imagined.
~Location; The Beach~
You made your way to a small beach, I didn't know this was here.. You thought. You slid down the small slope, feeling the sand on your feet. Keep in mind you have some flip flops, but you had taken them off. You look in the corner of your eye seeing a small abandoned play structure. You made your way to the structure, looking at it.
You bent down, as there was a dig out hole that the size of a human could fit through. You crawled through the hole and made your way inside a small area that was covered, it was like a little house. Since it was warm, and you felt sleepy. You layed your head down and closed your eyes. You were exhausted after all.

Jimin's P.O.V
"Do you think she's coming back?" Asked Yoongi. Jimin looked around, as he did feel that this sudden move wasn't a "okay" with him. But he had to get used to this, besides, Taehyung is his best friend and would do anything for him. "Taehyung, can we talk?" He asked, Taehyung nodded, walking to the guest room where Jin and Y/N shared. "What is it?" Taehyung asked. "You know I am Y/N's teacher right?" He asked.
"Wait.. You are!?" Taehyung exclaimed. From his expression you could see how shocked Taehyung was. As he was not informed that Jimin was Y/N's teacher.
"Yeah.. So that's probably why she doesn't want to stay," He replied. Taehyung gripped the bridge of his nose with his thumb and index finger. 

"Right now our priority is to find where Y/N went." Taehyung sighed. Jimin grabbed his bag and stuffed some food and water in it. "Ill be back." He said, walking out the door. "Wait, where are you going??" Taehyung asked. "I'm doing you a favor and finding Y/N for you." He replied. Then quickly walking out the door. Jimin walked down towards a beach. "Where are you Y/N?" Jimin mumbled to himself. Jimin turned his head looking at the play structure. He look down to see footprints. "Could she have gone this way?" He asked himself. He shook his head and kept walking.

He made his way to the campus. Just looking at it, made me instantly believe she wasn't there. Its common sense, why would she come to the campus and hide when she only know jimin will be there. So why go there in the first place?


A text from Taehyung.. He is still woundering if jimin found Y/N yet. Then it hit him, the footprints, they looked exactly the same size as Y/N.

~Location; The Beach~
The prints are still here. Jimin slides down the slope, looking down and following the prints. It led him all the way to a abandoned play structure. He knew he had seen this before. Then it clicked, this was the old place the members would come and hang out during their high school and college years. The footprints led to a small whole, one that Jimin was sure Y/N crawled through.

He bent his body down, and crawled in. Where he was met with a sleepy girl, Y/N.

"Y/N," Jimin spoke, touching her shoulder and shaking her. "Mmm..?" She mumbled. "Hurry get up before you get sick," Jimin sighed lightly before chuckling.

Y/N sat up.

Y/N's P.O.V

You sat up, looking directly at Mr. Park.
How did he find me?  You asked yourself. He was sitting on his knees, his head down.

"I know Taehyung said this was temporary.. But you still have to come back, or everyone will be worried," He sighed gently.

You looked at Jimin, "But, I don't want to go back. I don't want to live with my teacher," you snapped at him. "Hey! It wasn't exactly my idea for my student to live with me either!" Jimin yelled. His yelling scared you, you have never seen Jimin get so mad before. Well besides when he yells at Jine, but it's not like now. Before he is more professional when he scolds Jine.

"I'm sorry.. It's just.. If Taehyung told me about who we were going to live with, I'm sure I wouldn't have ran away." you said. Jimin raised his head, "Well.. Will you come back?" He asked.

"Well, I don't exactly have a choice.. Do I?" You asked, as you pointed to your bruised ankle. Jimin laughed a bit, "And how did you do that?" 

You looked at him, "Running away,"  Jimin smiled, "Haha, then maybe you should be more careful," 

You crawled out the entrance, Jimin following behind. You stumbled but Jimin caught you, looking into your eyes.

"Be careful," He said.

His grip was strong around your waist, you lazily wrapped your arms around his neck.

"Come my way.." Jimin smiled, making those slits in his eyes when he smiles.


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