Chapter 9: Hook Man (Part 1)

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Happy New Year Y'all (like a week later haha).  Let's make 2018 the best year ever!!!!

Here is a new update!! 

Oh and I am going to try to update every week from now on.  Either Friday or Saturday.  No promises but I will try.  It just depends on how tough school is.  

Anyways enjoy the update!!!


Dean's POV

Alyssa and I are doing good.  Better than I could've imagined.  We are doing so good that Sam is sort of getting disgusted around us.....Score!!!  I look over at Alyssa sitting next to me, looking at the computer with me.  She looks up at me and says,

"See something you like"?  I smirk and say,

"Of course.  I see my beautiful girl sitting right next to me.  How could I not like that view".  She smiles and blushes.  I poke her cheek.  

"Is Alyssa blushing" I ask, my smirk getting bigger.  She bats my hand away and says,

"Shut up".  I look up at Sam who is finishing his phone call.  

"Your, uh, half-caf, double vanilla latte is getting cold over here, Francis".  

"Shut up".  

"What is it with you two and saying, shut up to me.  You say it all the time to me.  What did I ever do to you" I ask, fake crying.  Both Alyssa and Sam just stare at me.  I stop fake crying and look at them.  Sam and I start a staring contest.  Sam of course loses.  I turn my eyes to Alyssa and we continue the contest with each other.  My eyes started watering.  Alyssa could see that and she started smirking.  Finally it ended because my eyes couldn't take it anymore.  I closed my eyes and opened them to see Alyssa smirking hugely and Sam smiling at me.  

"I do believe that that is the first time you have ever lost a staring contest Dean" Sam said.  I glare at him,

"Shut up" I say, crossing my arms over my toned chest.  Alyssa stops smirking and says,

"Well now that that is over we can get back to the case that Dean and I found".  I turn the computer to Sam and Sam reads the screen.  He looks up at us and says, 

"It could be nothing.  One seriously freaked out witness that didn't see anything.  That doesn't mean it is the invisible man".  

"Well I vote we check it out anyway" Alyssa says.  So with that we get up and head to Iowa to do some digging. When we get there we split up to go to our own Houses.  Sam and I go to the killed young adults frat house and Alyssa goes to the witnesses sorority house.  I watch Alyssa go the opposite direction of me and I start hating this idea.  Apparently I was watching her for quite a bit because Sam nudged me and said,

"Dude, you are so whipped".  I whip my head around to face him and I punch him lightly in the shoulder.  

"No I am not" I say loudly.  Sam snorts saying,

"Sure, whatever you say".  We continue walking up to the house.  We go in and walk to our room.  We knock on the door and it opens to reveal a frat boy painted purple and wearing yellow shorts.  

"Who are you" the boy asks.  

"We are your new roommates" I say walking in the room.  The boy holds out a paint brush and can of paint.  

"Do me a favor and get my back?  Big game today".  I point to Sam and say,

"He's the artist.  Things he can do with a brush".  Sam looks absolutely mortified, which I find hilarious.  I sit down and pick up a magazine with the name Murph on it.  Sam and I start up a conversation with Murph about the murder of the frat boy by the name of Rich.  We meet up with Alyssa and go to the witnesses fathers church to meet with her.  

We learn that Rich's body was suspended in a tree above his car and realize that it must be the Hook Man legend.  We go to investigate.  When we get to the place of the murder, 9 mile road, we get out and grab our guns with rock salt in them.  Sam and I start walking ahead and Alyssa falls back, all of a sudden we hear a sound.  I could see it was the sheriff.  I turn to look for Alyssa but she is no where to be found.  I get worried but at that point the sheriff was yelling at us to drop our weapons and get on the ground and put our hands behind our heads.  We get taken to the station.  I wondered where Alyssa is right now and if she is alright.  

I get taken for questioning and I tell the Sheriff that it was a initiation for Sam who is a new college pledge in our frat house.  I tell him that the rifle was for hunting ghosts and it was only filled with salt, it wasn't really dangerous at all.  We get off with a fine for our trouble we caused.  I walk out to get Sam and I explain what I told the sheriff and that we were only fined.  We walk out of the building and see Alyssa standing against the impala with her arms crossed and smirking.  

"Way to get caught,  you idiots" she said with a laugh.  I go up to her and give her a hug.  Sam looks at her and then looks at me.  

"Dean you do realize that she drove your car" he said.  I just shrugged and said,

"How else would we have gotten away from the police station.  We would've had to walk".  Sam just smiles and he gets into the passenger seat of the car.  I stay outside by Alyssa.  She looks at me and I just smile.  She looks confused and asks,

"Why are you smiling at me like that"?  I look at her and say,

"You are just so beautiful, and I love you".  Her breath hitches and she looks at me with wide eyes.  

"What did you say" She asks.  

"You are beautiful" I say knowing full well what she is referring to.  She shakes her head and says,

"No I mean after that".  

"Ohhhh you mean the I love you part" I say.  She nods her head.  

"Why did you say that" she asks.  

"Because I do love you" I say.  She smiles and says,

"I love you too".  All of a sudden we hear a "Awwwww" and  we turn around to see Sam videotaping us and smiling.  I look at him and say,

"Are you seriously videotaping us"?  He just looks at me and smirks, not saying anything.  I shake my head and help Alyssa into the car and get in myself.  I turn to Sam and smack his head.   He yelps and says,

"Ow what was that for"?  

"For videotaping us without our permission" I say.  He shakes his head.  We drive away in the direction of our respective houses.  


Hi so I am going to do two parts for this "episode/chapter".  I will update the next part either Friday or Saturday hopefully.  I just wanted to give you guys something to read because I have not updated for a while.  Sorry about that.  

See you guys either Friday or Saturday (is my plan at least).  Sorry for the late update.  Oh and school started yesterday and I already have so much homework.  Thats what I get for doing two online classes and a in-school one.  I will probably have a difficult time updating every week this semester so bear with me.     

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