Sleepless nights

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Cagney couldn't sleep, not now at least. Today was the day before the one year anniversary of the day that Cuphead and Mugman destroyed their contracts. The day he sold his soul was one of (if not the), most traumatizing days of the carnation's life. Though the memory was a bit fuzzed, he could remember the devil's cackling accompanied by the burning in his...stem.
Cagney slithered out from the oak tree he was under to get a better view of the night sky; the cackling of Hilda Berg could be heard. Hilda Berg was a friend, and a fellow former debtor. Truthfully Cagney wasn't sure on his feelings for her, sometimes they'd argue over the simplest of things, other times he could rest and count on her for company, accompanied by a snarky comeback every now and then. Cagney knew he would never admit it, but he truly admired both Hilda and the night sky above him. The stars always shined so bright, it was funny to think that he rarely got to see this world due to his need for sunlight. Cagney closed his eyes and let his vision get blurry, the last thing he saw were the glistening stars.

Hilda watched as the sun rose, the sky become an ombre blue that softly melted into a daisy yellow. Speaking of daisies, all the flowers were waking. Hilda giggled to herself in the memory of her favorite carnation.
Hilda slipped off of her collection of clouds and make a quick break to her observatory. After doing so she summoned a small, fluffy cloud and hovered towards the unsuspecting flower.
Cagney's looked to be in between sleep and awake. She smiled deviously.
"Heyy Cagney, you awake buddy?" The flower groaned in response. "You know it's a bright and beautiful day." Cagney lifted his head his head with a mixture of exhaustion and frustration. Ultimately he left his head to drop once more, facing the ground, his eyes sealed.
"Go away Hilda." He groaned, Hilda could tell he had a low patience as of the moment.
"Don't you flowers sleep at night? Such a pity in itself that you'll never see the night sky." Hilda pressed, her face growing more and more malicious. Of course she was only joking, Cagney in which knew this however it did not make the scenario any less frustrating.
"And for a sky witch, don't you sleep in the day?" He replied, his voice laced with a kind of tone that meant, "leave me alone/don't test me."
"Well of course, but then I would be able to talk to my favorite flower." Cagney blushed at this, mostly of embarrassment and frustration.
"GO AWAY!" He yelled, burying himself in the ground; she may have been a witch of the air, though there was nothing she could do underground.
On top of the hole Hilda whispered, "It's okay to have feeling for me, I am pretty great after all."
"THE DAY ANYONE LIKES YOU IS THE DAY I STOP BEING A FLOWER YOU-" He paused, there was no more sound and no more movement from above the ground. Cagney leaned closer to the surface, there were voices, not just one though.
"Yeah and I can't thank you guys enough. One year goes by fast does it not."
"It sure does, we are just glad we could help." It was Hilda and Mugman, and knowing that the two brothers liked to stick together, Cuphead was probably around as well. He stuck his head out a little bit to get a view.
"Well you know the devil and his lackey "king" dice never had a chance. He recognized that cocky voice, a white cup stood alongside his brother, Hilda on her cloud giggling to herself.
"Yeah well I guess that's true."
"Anyway what are you up to Hilda?" Hilda looked back at Mugman and replied in a smug attitude, "Oh well you know, just bothering a certain flower." Hilda queued for Cagney to come and join, Cagey regretfully agreed.
"Heya Uncle Cagney, you know what today is?" Yep he was definitely too tired for this, Cagney loved the boys (and loved being called Uncle), but he had zero patience today.
"Yeah Mugman, thanks again." He weakly replied. Cuphead stared at him strangely and Mugman stepped closer, observing his eyes...or something.
After a moment Cuphead asked "Get enough sleep last night?" Cagney closed his eyes for a moment, 'damn he's good'.
"Eh not really.." Mugman perked up and grabbed his brother's hand, "Well sorry we disturbed you, come on guys." Hilda looked at him...with shame? Cagney couldn't quite place it. He slunk back onto the oak tree and closed his eyes tight. 'What was that look on her face?'

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