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Happy new year 2018 everybody!

After a lazy Sunday watching Netflix and eating junk food holed up in the couch with Liz it's Monday morning again. Like a zombie, I walk to the bathroom stumbling into everything I find in my way; I couldn't fall asleep till the early hours and my brain refuses to wake up completely while I look at my reflection in the mirror without seeing me actually. I'm too sleepy. I open the faucet yawning and I splash some cold water on my face in an attempt to be human again. It seems to work and now my mind is clear enough to realize that I haven't looked out the window to see what it's like outside. Without even bothering to go back to my bedroom, I decide to open the high translucent bathroom window in front of the shower.

"It's already autumn, how can it still be so warm?" I think while leaning my arm on the windowsill and placing my cheek over it. Today I only have to go to my office so I can dress casual, my mind wanders for a few minutes going over the clothes in my closet and what I should choose today till I realize that I run the risk of falling asleep here on my feet, with my arm as a pillow enjoying the pleasant temperature and the scent of the bougainvillea from the house next door. It's Ruby's garden.

I look up frowning, remembering that my neighbour is still waiting for my answer to her proposal. I run my eyes over her house while I think of how tempting it may be accepting and just jump right into any plan se has in mind; a movement in the second floor window snap me out of my thoughts. I turn around and walk towards the shower taking off the oversize t-shirt I use as a pyjamas when my mind, finally, decides to wake up totally and realizes that the movement in the window must be Ruby herself and, if I can see her, it means that she can see me too.

I turn on water and regulate the temperature, I don't feel like getting cooked like a lobster because of Liz, contemplating if I should close the window. To be honest there's no need, it isn't cold outside and if I close it the bathroom will be filled with steam, fogging up the mirror and turning my hair into a mess after drying it. "Stop that nonsense" I scold myself while stepping into de shower, "Ruby's probably having breakfast in her kitchen right now and not watching me like a teenager" I grab my pomegranate shower gel, keeping my back to the window, while I continue with my unilateral conversation. "But, what if she isn't gone? What if she's watching me, should I give her a better show? Am I going to stay this way, with the water slapping my face trying to keep my boobs out of her sight? After all, they're nothing new to her."

In an outburst of bravery I turn around and I keep scrubbing my body, trying to sneak a peek at whoever is looking out the window. There she's, a new movement, so she isn't gone... trying to act natural I finish with my shower and I look for a towel under the sink. "Wait a minute" I think while wrapping my naked body with the towel, "what if it's not Ruby? What if it's the cleaning girl? Oh my God!" I run out of the bathroom, blushing furiously, and I dry off my body before putting my dark blue jeans on along with a white T-shirt with blue stripes and a red jacket. Anyway, I'd better hurry on if I don't want to be late.

- I've made you some tea since your shower was taking so long. You're starting to copy my habits – Liz smiles mockingly while she hands me my favourite mug.

- Thank you. Have you got any cinnamon biscuits over there?

- Yes, on that plate. I'll be right back, I have to make a phone call. In the meantime, eat your breakfast and then pull the car out of the garage. I'll try to make it quick so we can avoid the rush-hour traffic jam.

- - You are so delusional! – I answer shaking my head while biting a biscuit.

Fifteen minutes later I'm sitting in the car that it's parked next to the sidewalk in front of our home. With nothing better to do, I think back to the shower episode: "Was she Ruby? It must be since she stood there watching. But what if she was the cleaning girl? No, it was Ruby because the girl wouldn't spy on me... what if it was the girl?" Leave it Iselen, you're entering an infinite loop. And also you're crazy.

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