Chapter 02

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"-and the answer is always Newton's Laws Of Physics." Prof. Martin explained in front of the whole class. Zayn sat to my right, while my other friend, Liam, stuck to my left.

I was writing down everything said, 3 pages already filled with all the needed information. My eyes scanned around the room once our professor stopped explaining and started answering student's questions. Harry was no where to be seen. It was my last class for the day, and I hadn't even seen him once.

"Who are you looking for?" Liam asked, glancing at me. "Harry, have you seen him yet today?" I questioned, knowing Zayn was listening to Liam and I. "Spoke to him this morning, he said he wasn't coming in today." Liam replied.

I sighed heavily, running my hands through my hair. Harry had been skipping many classes, which was bad, he probably had no idea what we were even learning about. He was too caught up in the parties and the girls.

"He told me about your argument last night." Li added. I sighed heavily and turned in my seat to face him. "What did he say?" I glared, already knowing whatever he said was going to be complete crap.

"Said that you were like freaking out over Leigh-Anne and that you were like begging him not to talk to her and then you tried flirting with the, as he called him "the obviously gay waiter" then stormed off when he said that he didn't want to stop talking to Leigh." He smirked.

I scoffed, laughing sarcastically, "Please don't tell me you believed that son of a-" I stopped myself, noticing all the students in my class had turned to me, due to my loud voice. "Sorry." I mumbled, looking down at my lap. "He's Harry, of course I know he was talking shit, Zayn told me what really happened though." Liam said once everyone turned back to what they were busy with, "God, I'm never talking to him again."


"What are you doing here, Harry?" I spat once I opened the door to my room and found Harry laying on my bed. "Hey baby." He grinned sweetly, pushing himself up on his elbows.

"Don't you 'baby' me." I spat, throwing my bag on the floor. Harry stood up from my bed, making his way towards me. "Spenc, c'mon."

He pouted, opening his arms as he approached me, "No, screw you." I puffed, pushing past him.

"Hey hey hey, don't you dare push past me!" His voice raised, causing me to stop in my tracks as my eyes widened, "Get out!" I yelled, "Go fuck Leigh-Anne!" I added.

Harry took a large step toward me, bumping his chest into mine, making me take a step backwards and against the wall. His right hand balled up into a tight ball, punching into the wall next to me.

"No one, and I mean no one fucking talks to me like that, no one fucking pushed past me, no one refuses to go home with me and no one flirts with other guys while being with me, especially you!" I whimpered as he yelled it into my face.

He breathed heavily, eyes burning into mine as he clenched his teeth together, "Fucking hell, kiss me!" I reacted to his words immediately, hooking my arms around his shoulders as our lips pressed together tightly.

His hands found my thighs, lifting my legs over his waist as he crashed my back into the wall he just punched into.

"Was Leigh-Anne good?" I gasped as his lips moved against my neck, teeth grazing my flushed skin.

"Didn't fuck her." He moaned when my hands pulled at his hair, "You were on my mind all night, how could I." The lie left his lips effortlessly.

My fingertips massages his scalp as his lips found mine, his tongue driving into my mouth and brushing over mine. A small moan left my lips at the sight of him, his curls messy over his forehead, a large frown tucked between his eyebrows and his eyes shut tightly.

His fingers dug into my thighs, my eyes shutting at the warmth of his hands on my cold, bare legs. His breathing seemed to pick up as he started working our lips faster, his crotch pressing forward, into mine. "Yes, oh god, yes." I gaped, the rough material of his jeans rubbing against the material of my shorts.

He pushed our bodies from the wall and stumbled to my bed, falling on his back to have me on either side of his thighs.

"Lower." He sighed when I kissed at him neck, "Lower, like, down there. Lower." He moaned, bucking his hips up to meet mine.

"Harry-" "Please." He whined desperately, taking my hand in his and reaching between our bodies to drop it against his tighter-than-usual jeans.

"Feel that? That's how much you turn me on, I want you so bad, Danielle." He frowned with his eyes forced shut.

I froze completely, my throat went dry and my palms became sweaty, "Dani?" He opened his eyes, scanning them over my flushed face, "Harry please I can't, not now, not today." I said in a small voice.

He sighed annoyingly and bucked his hips up, but my had was long gone from his as I stood up from the bed. "I think you should leave."

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2014 ⏰

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