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it's a feeling so indescribable.

that warm feeling spreading throughout his body, feeling it grow from his swelling heart and travel to the top of his head to the ends of his toes, is a feeling that doesn't even feel real at times like this.

it feels weird, your heart just jumps from a high building and into the pit of your stomach, when looking at that special someone.

someone that has characteristics so god like that it makes you question if they're even real.

changkyun dramatically slaps his hands on his chest and clenches a fist full of thin fabric that's resting above his rapidly beating heart.

it's a monday night and he's thinking about the boy who has transferred to his school barely one week ago.

needless to say, changkyun has fallen hard for this boy.

his name is kihyun. a year older him, short and has pin straight, black hair that is shinier than his sparkly teeth. he wears stylish clothing and is always carrying a book of some sort in his left hand, and his phone in his right hand.

so in conclusion, he is everything kihyun has ever wanted in a person, but didn't know he needed until he showed up.

his presence and introduction just made something brew in changkyun's heart, some sort of infatuation for the boy.

the way he stood in front of the entire class like he wanted to hide, he was shy and bashful. there was a pink tint forming on the apples of his cheeks and connected to the bridge of his nose, it just seemed something so innocent.

he had a white pipe cleaner intertwined his skinny fingers, and he fiddled with it when he was talking. he also stood up on his tip -toes and then went back down again, the cycle repeated from there on out. maybe it calmed down his nerves, but it certainly made changkyun smile.

his voice was smooth like honey, very calming and sounded so authentic and beautiful. if he could, he would let kihyun whisper sweet nothings in his ear so that he could fall asleep. and he couldn't help but to smile a bit at the fact that he has a lisp, much like his good friend, hoseok.

all changkyun wants to do is talk to him, give him his time, listen to what's on his mind, or to watch movies together. it isn't so hard to ask for, but making it a reality is what really makes everything he wants to do with him seem like a dream.

changkyun, poor changkyun, can not start any type of conversation. he can't say hello without his voice cracking, and he spends too long thinking about what to say that he can't actually focus on what the other person had said.

it's quite sad, but quite amusing to watch. well, if you were changkyun's friends, then yes. otherwise, it would be cringey and pitiful to watch.

jooheon and hoseok always tease the poor boy for not being able to talk to anyone. it makes him slightly upset, though. he's lost so much confidence in his conversation-starting skills.

so he prefers to talk to kihyun in his mind.

it seems like the perfect and only option for him. a place where he can think of anything! no rules, just him and his imagination. it's a place where he can't be interrupted, judged, any of those negative things are blocked off.

he can have an imaginary relationship with his crush, and he can think about the cutest scenarios ever. he can do it so effortlessly, which is always a good thing for changkyun. he always wants to make things as simple as possible.

changkyun smiles as he hugs one of his pillows. he inhales and exhales loudly. it sounds weird and childish that he's daydreaming about his non-existent relationship.

but it's the only thing that makes him happy nowadays.

daydreaming 。 𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘬𝘪Where stories live. Discover now