
9 1 0

* Milk
* Espresso shot
* For very foamed milk, pour directly on espresso shot
* For only a dollop of milk, let milk sit and separate from foam, then spoon on

Chapter Five

Luhan strolled through the halls of the dormitories, making his way up to his room, 94. He was thinking of how he was going to collapse into a long nap before waking up to do his work, and then blasting his songs in his room. Luhan had a dorm room of course, but his room was only for himself. He was one of the lucky ones to not have a roommate this year, and he prided himself in using the right bunk bed-and-desk for his school work and the left one for piles of clothes and books, even though he had a moderately sized closet. He simply just couldn't be bothered to hang everything up when he would just wash them and use them anyway.

Luhan adjusted the strap on his bag into a more comfortable position; it had started to dig into his skin, when he saw a crowd of people, both boys and girls, standing outside of his door.

Did someone die? WHOMST?

Luhan broke into a run and tried to politely push people away from his dorm door, desperate to know what was going on.

"Wow pretty Luhan is rooming with him? How lucky of him to be in a room with a gorgeous god!" He heard one girl giggle to her friend, pretending to fan herself.

Just what is going on?

He finally reached his door and slipped his room key into the keyhole. Gritting his teeth, debating how to get in without the horde of people following, he opened the door and slipped in fluidly, closing the door firmly. His skinny body aided greatly in his escape, and he leaned his forehead on the door, listening to the muffles of talk and gossip outside. He turned around, ready to face whoever was in there.

What in the world is going o-

Luhan was met face to face, eye to eye, with the sinner himself, Oh Sehun.

"H-hell, w-what are you doing here?" Luhan stuttered, blushing at his own "uncoolness."

Sehun frowned. "I could ask you the same thing." Then, his face transformed into a cool, amused mask as he finally understood the situation. "Ah. So you are my roommate."
He leaned back. Luhan could only watch in disbelief.


Sehun was still wearing his leather jacket but had changed into a white T-shirt instead of his turtleneck that he wore when Luhan last saw him. Without his sunglasses on, the shocked boy could stare deeply in the other's eyes, which were a beautiful brown.

"I hope you don't mind. I moved your clothes from the spare bunk you had, but don't worry, I hung them all neatly in your closet." He laughed. "Well, our closet. I'm not used to sharing." He strode over to the lounger in between the two bunk desk beds and plopped himself down, sighing in pleasure. A bright silver Rolex caught the light and flashed brightly on his slender wrist. "I'm not really an advocate for messes- I can't really stand them."

Luhan broke out of his trance and shook his head to clear his thoughts, which started to jumble up in his brain in a knotted gray mess. He strode over to his desk, crouching under the wooden frame of bed up top and plopped his bag on his spinny chair. He ran a hand through his hair, closed his eyes, and took a deep breath. Had it been anyone else, Luhan would've accepted them warmly and graciously, but with Sehun here he stumbled.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2018 ⏰

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