The Different Ones

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Madeline was a doomed girl from the start of her life. She never had a real family, never could she find a forever home. Until one day 8 year old Madeline thought she found her forever home. A gentle kind woman who lost her first child to a house fire came to her orphanage, the woman was very pleased with all the little children there, seeing all of them and their beautiful smiling faces made her heart melt into a gooey mush. She loved all the little children, but she especially loved Madeline. Madeline had such glowing features, long flowing black hair, big gorgeous brown eyes, and a thin stature. Of course as you can assume the gentle, kind woman picked Madeline. She signed all the paperwork and was off with the small girl, who had very few belongings.
"So how did you end up in that orphanage Madeline?" asked the woman.
"I don't remember."
"Oh, so you have no idea where you come from?"
"No ma'am."
"Well no need to worry my little one i'll take good care of you." But that is the complete opposite of what she really was going to do. You remember that "glowing" features about Madeline, that's what drew this woman toward her. The woman was a scientist and she loved experimenting on "The different ones" she could see right through Madeline, she new Madeline was different, but she couldn't point point what. After many months of Madeleine's agony the woman found out what was so different, Madeline had a special ability that was beyond explaining. She could harness the extra energy from inside her and unleash her power in the form of millions of extreme electrically charged atoms. They would encase her in a giant levitating sphere. The woman predicted that I worst case scenarios the atoms could become so charged that it could blow up like a small grease fire.
"You are so powerful and you have no idea!," she whispered to the sleeping Madeline as she stroked her hair ", you can make grease fires now but when fully harnessed... my dear I curse the one who ever makes you mad, you will blow like an atomic bomb."
Years went by and Madeline still suffered. She often wrote in her diary about the events, until one day the woman found it and read an excerpt of it to her out loud while she was in the lab.
"Friday, May 27th 2045,
Dear diary,
Today was hard, mother tells me that it will all be worth it one day but I don't see how things will get better," Madeline stood up off the bed in the enclosed box she was locked in during experiments. She begged the woman to stop but she continued to read.
", Can't she see that i'm hurting every day she makes me do these things, I've often thought of leaving this place one day, after all I am an adult now. Also I just turned 18, what a happy birthday to me right? I mean what other 18 year old wants to spend their life being experimented on...." Madeline was in tears as the woman slammed the book shut and glared at Madeline.
"Is this what you think of me!?"
"Mother please..."
"DO NOT! I have taken care of you your entire pathetic life! Don't you remember that?! Your own family didn't want you because your a freak!" The woman was getting exactly what she wanted. A large reaction.
" You think i'm a freak?" Madeline said as shivers shot down her spine. " you know what mom,"
"Stop calling me that i'm not your mother my child died in a grease fire a long time ago, you are nothing to me!"
", You call me a freak and you know what i'll be the best one you've ever seen." Madeline grinned and raised her hand up, forearms parallel to the ground.
"Yes! That sit Madeline finally harness that power raise it!"
"You wanted a reaction, well you've gotten one, and you want to know something? You mean nothing to me too." Madeline said and she started her her atoms process
She walked closer and closer to the observation glass on her locked box and her hair started to glow a deep magenta.
"Madeline, hunny no. I was just trying to get you to harness all of it please don't make me hurt you."
"Oh please you think you can hurt me this time! You've been doing  this to me for a long time, or did you really think all of those time you shocked me it would continue to hurt me? What a stupid woman."
The woman looked up at the poles that hung down from the box that held Madeline. The electricity that shot through them where used to calm the atoms, in order to calm the atoms the host of them needed to be put into a harmful state. Therefore she would shock Madeline after every experiment.
"Madeline, i'm not joking i'm turning it on full blast this time! Listen to me!"
But nothing could persuade her she was already to far into the process now. Her eyes started to glow a bright sun yellow and she wound the atoms around herself in a sphere.
"Do your worst." Madeline said as she started to levitate and lean back, arms and legs dangling, as if she was being lifted from the waist. The woman turned on the shock poles. Madeline shrieked in pain as the bolts hit her.
Madeline turned her head to the woman and said, "Just kidding."
Madeline turned her head back straight, eyes and hair glowing, her chest started to lift. As this was happening that atoms sphere now started to show to the human eye, and glow.
"Dear God." the woman said in terror, but astonishment.
And as she closed her eyes the atoms flew from her side and blew up her locked cage and sent everything flying around her. And for the first time she felt free but as the atoms left her she soon started to lose her memory bit by bit.
Madeline woke up to a huge crater in the ground, not as big as an atomic bomb thankfully. She stood up slowly and looked down looked at the crater and had a flashback, her eye turned white as snow and her vision become black and white as she relived that moment. It all in was slow motion as she walked through her memory. What's happening? Did I do this? She looked down at herself and she was a wispy ghost like figure. What is happening to me?! Who am I? She looked up at her levitating body, her bright glowing hair and eyes. She gazed at herself in confusion. Is this me? She thought as she looked down at her ghost hands. As she looked down at her ghost hands she sees the diary that lay on the floor. She gently lifted it and began to read the contents but before she even got to a sentence she heard a woman say something, but she couldn't make it out. She lifted her head to see her atoms fly everywhere. She quickly spun around to see the woman but it was too late her memory started to white out as she flashed back into reality. Her eyes became clear and she could see everything in color, but as she was coming out of her flashback she became very frail and fell to all fours. She regained her strength and looked at her hands "I hurt someone?" she said. She acted surprised that she could be capable to do that. She got up slowly, still looking at her hands and ran away from the scene. She ran so far she soon ran into a town with very few people. She wandered aimlessly toward the center of town until she ran into a man, and there is where she met Garrett. He was about Madeline's age maybe 8 years older than her. He had dark brown fluffy hair, big bright green eyes, and a sharp jaw line. She somehow felt very connected to him, as if she knew him for a long time.
"I'm so sorry I didn't mean to." Madeline spoke softly
"That's quite alright. Are you okay?" Garrett said
"I ... I don't know."
'How do you not know?"
"I don't remember anything?"
"Other than English no."
"Oh wow. Uhh well why are you here? Or do you not know that either?"
"All I know is that I woke up in a forest and so I walked until I found something."
"That's horrible. Well I mean I guess I could find you someplace to stay."
"That would be lovely."
"What's your name?"
"Oh right. Sorry. Well i'm Garrett"
Madeline nodded
"Well just wait here and i'll find you something."
She nodded again, and Garrett was off. He was gone for many hours and Madeline was afraid he had left her, she knew nothing of her past but she could feel she's been left may times before. Madeline got up and cross her arms and looked around patiently, but no one came. She was upset and tears started to fill her eyes, not even in a day of what she can remember she was already left. She looked around one more time and looked at the ground as she turned around to leave. She took a couple of steps before hearing,
"Hey! Where are you going!"
She heard a voice say behind her. It was quite familiar, but she kept slowly walking away, arms still crossed. Why would that be him I mean I've waited for hours. She thought.
"Hey miss!"
She finally turned around to not see Garrette but a big crowd of people. She frowned, but then she heard that voice again and looked past the crowd and there he was trying to get around the crowd for her. He finally got around and met her right where she stood.
"Why were you leaving." Garrett said as he tried to catch his breath
"I thought you had left me." Madeline said in a small quite voice
"I said, I thought you had left me." she reiterated
"Why would I leave you?"
"I don't know."
"I was looking for someone to take you in, sadly no one would, so I am."
"You are?"
"I sure am. Also it took me a little longer because I thought you could use a change of clothes."
Madeline looked down at what she was wearing, and she was still in her tattered pajamas from the crater.
"Thank you."
"Of course, it's the least I could do." Garrett said as he smiled gently.
Madeline smiled back in happiness.
"So if you want to follow me please." Garrett said as he held out his arm for her to grab. Madeleine gave him a confused look so he said, " you're suppose to grab my arm so I can lead you."
"Oh, alright." Madeline said still a little confused. She took his arm and they were off to Garrett's house. He lived in a small, but cozy, 2 bedroom apartment. He led her inside and handed her clothes and ushered her to the bathroom where she could change into the pajamas he had bought her that day. As she was changing Garrett was putting away the groceries he had got while in town, as he was putting the last of the items away he heard his bathroom door creak open. He turned around to see Madeline standing in the archway of his kitchen.
"Do they fit alright?" he asked.
"Yes." nodding she said in a soft voice.
Garrett was sitting on the floor with the fridge open. He stood up, shut it and said, "So how about we just order some pizza tonight. You do know what pizza is right?"
Madeline giggled, "Of course I do."
"Okay good because I would have given the worst explanation ever."
They both laughed as Garrett said, "Oh, you will sleep in my bed."
"But where will you sleep?," Madeline asked confused ", Do people our age just sleep in the same bed?"
" Well I mean some do, but usually know each other....and we don't know each other and that is why I will sleep on the couch."
"Are you sure I can sleep on the couch."
"No, no that's quite alright, so since you don't remember your name what would you lie me to call you?"
"Ok, well i'm not sure what do you usually call people with no name?"
"Well I mean we call them Jane Doe's."
"Then you can call me that."
"Jane Doe?"
"Yes, or just Jane i'm very fond of that name."
"Alright. Jane it is."
Madeline smiled when all of a sudden she got dizzy, her eyes turned white and hazy, and she lost her vision little by little.
"Jane? Jane!"
She had fell faint into Garrett's arms, and had another flashback.
"Where am I?" Madeline said as she looked down at her wispy ghost-like hands. "Not this again." She looked around to find a small child sitting on a rooftop while it was raining. "What is she doing"? She moved closer to the young girl and realized it was her when she was younger. "Why am I on a roof in the rain?" She hears people yelling in the distance saying her name, but she couldn't quite make out the name. "I guess i'll just stay Jane for now." as soon as she finished her thought she heard the little girl scream and an older man say, "I've found her!" "What is happening why are they taking me away?" Madeline's flashback started to vanish. " No! I need more!" she said as she fades back to reality, but before she goes back she sees a sign above the building her younger self was on. The sign read "The Grekin's Orphanage". She came back, still in Garrett's arms, gasped for air and said, "I was an orphan?!"
"What are you talking about, and what just happened."
"I uh.. I don't know how to tell you this but I get flashbacks of my past."
"So have you figured out who you are?"
"Well not exactly. I see little snippets of my life but they don't last long."
"What do you mean they don't last long you were out for like 20 minutes."
"What? It fet only like a couple."

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