Chapter 13

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*** BjOaks, this one is for you. Enjoy.


"TIMOTHYYY??" Olena calls out from downstairs.

"YETH, MAM??" Tim answers from upstairs where he and Chance were playing a game on Chance's new Xbox.


"ME PAYING GAME!!" Tim answers, not taking his eyes off the screen.

"Pause it." Olena says as she walks into the boys' room.

"ME DON'T KNOW HOW!!" Tim yells, not realizing Olena had walked into the room.

"Like this." Olena giggles as she presses the pause button.

"Nooooo." Chance whines as he stares at the paused screen.

"You boys can continue the game AFTER Mr. Tim carries his dog outside to potty." Olena says, crossing her arms across her chest.

Tim pouts as he gets up from the bean bag he was sitting on.

"Well, we can always let Satchmo go back to Texas and live with your mom." Olena states with a raised brow.

"NO!! No, Pease!! No then Thatchmo back, pease?" Tim pleads. (please, send)

"We won't. But you did promise to help take care of him. He is your dog." Olena says.

"Me know." Tim nods. "Me take him go pee pee."

"And feed and water him too?" Olena asks.

"Kay, me peed and wata him too." Tim nods. "Me be back, Chance." (feed, water)

"Huwy up." Chance says, laying down his remote and running to the bathroom. (hurry)

"Me twy." Tim says as he follows Olena down stairs.

"It looks pretty cloudy outside so you need to hurry before it starts to rain." Olena says as she puts a lease on the large dog.

"Tell Thatchmo to huwy." Tim says as he puts on his jacket. "Come on, Thatchmo. You need to huwy and take keer ob biddiness bepore it wains." (hurry, care of business before it rains)

Olena laughs and shakes her head as she heads back into the living room, picking up a few toys and placing them into the toy box. 

"Need help?" She asks as she walks into the kitchen to see Jenika fixing snacks for the boys.

"Just fixing the boys some snacks. You can grab them some juice boxes from the fridge, if you don't mind?" Jenika says as she glances out the window. "Uh, is Tim still outside with Satchmo?"

"Yeah, why?" Olena answers as she turns around with an arm full of juice boxes.

"Cause it's pouring down rain." Jenika says as she throws the snack tray back down on the table.

"Oh, my God!" Olena says as she hears frantic beating on the patio door.

She throws down the boxes as she and Jenika run to the patio door. 

Tim was trying to open the door but was having no luck at getting it open. He and Satchmo were both drenched.

"IT WAINING!! OPEN DA DOWA!!" Tim shouts. (raining, the door)

"Oh, sh*t. It's stuck again!" Jenika says as she pulls at the sliding door.

"CHRIS!!!!" Olena yells as she tries to help Jenika open the door.

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