Chapter 9

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** Yeah, I know, Halloween is long gone but this is a continuation from the last chapter. **


They arrive at the farm. Tristin had everything set up and plans made. She had a huge trailer hooked up to her truck full of hail bales and loose hay. Chris had told her that they were all dressed in costumes so she had a surprise for them.

All her neighbors knew how the guys were. How their minds were like those of little boys. Her surprise was to take them Trick or Treating during the hayride. She had each boy a plastic pumpkin with their names' on them.

While Tristin talks with her mom and dad, the boys lead their parents over to show them the baby goats. 

Except for Tim. He pulls his mommy over to show her Blackjack. The horse that he got to name.

"Mommy, dis ith Backjack. Him my fweind." Tim smiles as he holds his hand out to the beautiful stallion.

"Be careful, honey." Dena says as she notices the horse seemed a little wild. She reaches up and pulls the hoodie of Tim's costume off his head so the horse would hopefully recognize him.

"Him won't hut me." Tim says as he shakes his head. "Him wikes me."

Dena smiles with relief when the horse calms down immediately and walks slowly up to the fence allowing Tim to pet it.

"Thee? Ithn't he pity?" Tim smiles. (see, isn't, pretty)

"He's very pretty." Dena says softly as she slowly reaches out and pets the stallion.

"Him wikes you too." Tim smiles.

"Can I pet him?" Austin asks as he joins them.

"Thure." Tim nods. (sure)

"Be careful, Sweetie." Dena whispers to Austin.

Austin slowly reaches through the fence. Blackjack jerks his head back but quickly senses the innocence of the young man and allows him to pet him.

"He wikes me." Austin giggles.

"HEY, GUYS?" Chris calls out to them. "Yall ready to roast some hot dogs?"

"YEAH!!" They all yell as they run over to where the bonfire was.

"But you let your parents or one of us help you." Olena says.

Dena watches as Jenika helps Tim roast a hot dog on the open fire. The smile on his face was priceless. 

"He's doing a lot better." Chris says as he sits down next to the older lady.

"You must have read my mind." Dena smiles.

"The first couple of days were pretty hard on him. He got in a couple of fights with Austin." Chris chuckles. "But as you can see, they've become pretty close." 

"I was really worried about him." Dena says with a slight nod. "We've never been separated before. He's had a pretty rough life."

"Yeah, he kinda told us about his dad." Chris says.

"I know it's wrong to hate someone but I hate that man with every ounce of my strength." Dana says, shaking her head.

"I understand. You don't have to worry about him though. He's fitting in just fine. I think he's actually developed a little crush." Chris says with a smile.

"Really?" Dena smiles. "Let me guess. The beautiful blond. What's her name? Jennifer?"

"Jenika." Chris says.

"Mommy, wook." Tim giggles as he sits down beside his mother. "Jen help me make a hot dog."

"Yeah, it looks delicious." Dena smiles.

"Ith good." Tim says as he takes a bite. "You want a bite?" He holds the half eaten hot dog up to his mom.

"No, Sweetie, you eat it." Dena smiles as she wipes some mustard from his mustache.

"I got a surprise for you boys." Tristin announces after everyone was through eating. "You guys are going Trick or Treating!" She begins to hand them the pumpkins she had bought them.

"What Twick or Tweating?" Austin asks as he takes his pumpkin.

"You neber been twick or tweating?" Chance asks with a shocked look on his face.

"No. I don't tank so." Austin answers, shaking his head.

"Ith toe pun!" Avi says. "You asth por canny fwom people. And .. and ip day don't gib you canny, you twow toilt paper on dem."

"You thow toilet paper on dem? Why?" Austin asks.

"Cauth day didn't gib you canny." Avi answers with a tilt of his head as if it was obvious.

"Okay?" Austin replies with a confused look.

"I tank you pose to put toilet paper on dare houth and buthes." Adam laughs. (think, suposed, their, house, bushes)

"Weally?" Avi asks causing everyone to laugh.

"Come on, Dragon Boy. Get on the trailer." Tristin laughs as she gently tugs his beard.

The boys and their parents loaded on the trailer. The boys giggling with excitement as they sat down on the bales of hay beside their parents.

"You boys stay seated. Don't want to lose any of yall." Rob chuckles as he climbs onto the trailer.

"Dis ith pun, mommy." Tim whispers as he shivers a little.

"You cold?" Dena asks.

"Ill bit." Tim nods. (little)

Dena pulls his doggie hoodie back on his head to help keep his ears warm.

"We thoud have bought a banket." Austin smiles as he snuggles up to Dena. (should, brought, blanket)

Dena wraps an arm around each of the boys and pulls them closer to help keep them warm.

Tristin began to make stops at her neighbors' homes so the boys could trick or treat. The neighbors were all very generous and sweet to the boys. Complimenting them on their costumes.

The boys pumpkins quickly filled up with all kind of candy.

"I want to show you guys something." Tristin says as they leave the last house. She begins to drive slowly out onto a country road where she pulls into an open field.

"It dawk out hea." Chance says. (dark, here)

"Ausin, you carry." Adam says as Austin's skeleton costume glowed in the dark. (scary)

They all laugh as Austin wiggles around making the skeleton dance.

"Okay, guys?" Tristin says as she gets out of the truck. "Look up."

Everyone looks up at the star filled sky. It was absolutely breathtaking.

"Wow. Dat's pity." Tim says as he pushes his hoodie back some so he could see.

"WOOK!" Avi yells as he points to a shooting star. "WAD DAT!!??"

"That's a falling star, Sweetheart." Shelley smiles as she pulls her son closer.

"DA KY ITH PALLING??!!!" Avi screams as panic comes across his and the other boys faces. (the sky is falling)



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