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"Oh oh ouch ouj shit!! I-Im sorry I'm sorry ok OK!!!! You can let go now" sasuke shouted, his lips pouting now in sadness before shaking it off again with a smile as he asked her a question

"so on which floor is your apartment" he asked when they stepped into the elevator. Ignoring his question at first, Hinata reached forward, pressing on the 6th button which was also the highest floor in the building

"the one right on top" she answered only

"got anyone else living with you that I need to look out for?" sasuke pressed, glancing at her sweetly

"There isn't anybody waiting for m. Let's just say that I like the silence. It's calming. I like it that way, it's my own space" she said as the elevator door opened up and as instinct she walked on towards her apartment room without even checking if sasuke had followed behind her, She opened the door and sasuke had slipped in before her making himself more then comfortable on her couch.

"Hey. About what you said earlier. Thats nice, to only be surrounded by your own thoughts. You're independent but you know a little company wouldn't hurt anybody right. So maybe we could live together a bit" he said nodding towards the space next to hin. Hinata looked at him with the strangest look  before shaking her head. The reaction he'd gotten wasn't what he expected, he cleared his throat before continuing on

"So I was wandering" he started


"Can I ask you a question. It's kinda been bothering me though" he said, nervously scratching the back of his head.

"Yeah. Go ahead" she answered as she prepared something to eat, turning her back towards him.

"is there something going with you and Naruto. I kinda noticed the way you looked at him" and for a second hinata was surprised he even asked her about that but frowned knowing there wasn't anything between them in the first place

"no. We're just friends. Why do you ask" she asked, glancing over her shoulder to look at him.

"N-no reason" he stuttered as she gave him a pointed look, a look that said

'I ain't got time for this, speak up boy'

"are you jealous" she asked as she raised her eyebrow at him

"A little bit" he said without hesitation, letting out a heavy breath he didn't know he was holding.

"Hn. That's funny. This is actually hilarious" she said chuckling but more so to herself

"what is?" he curiously asked

"If you must know, before today. Before you lost your memories that is, we never even spoke to each other and i mean never. You were quite popular and the girls loved you. And sakura, she had the biggest crush on you and I'm pretty sure I was a little afraid of you "she explained

"what do you mean afraid of me. I'm like the most adorable being you'll ever come to know what is there to be afraid of....or was I like some evil villain or something. Fat chance" he said, chuckling at the end

"I guess you could it was something like that. But also no not really....it's complicated" she can't concluded bringing sasuke a cup of coffee as she took a seat herself.

After awhile there was silence and not the awkward kind but instead the calming one, the kind that hinata appreciated. That was until Sasuke had spoken again

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