Keep calm and be famous

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"Mary? MARY!?"

"Huh" I suddenly snapped out of a dream filled with gumdrops and lollipops.

"This is what I get for talking back to mom and dad: to be a tutor?" I heard my big sister moan "You can't daydream." She said to me.

"Yuh huh it's a free country" I remarked

"Just don't fall asleep okay?" She said angrily as if we have been over this same argument various times.

I wasn't- was I? It all seemed so real or I hoped it was real- from sitting here doing homework to big deal movies... No.

"The square route of 36 is 6" I mumbled and wrote down slowly, still thinking about bright lights and red carpets. "Done!"

"Let's go" I said walking to the door

"Woah woah woah woah wait a minute. Where do u think you're going?" Skylar said impatiently. "I may be your tutor but I am also your BABYSITTER. You are the baby and I sit and watch you so where do you think you're going little miss?"

I could see the spark of ~i'm older than you~ in her eyes. She's only 17 and I'm 14 that's like a 1/2 year distance. Seriously!

I am going to the set. I am needed by Katy Perry for her next music video.


In school i caught up with my BFF Kendyll.

"Hay gurl" I said


"Duh! Don't we always?"

"So I was thinking since school is almost over, we could become famous over the summer-"

"And come back to school totally popular!" She interrupted

"No way! We wouldn't have to come back to school. We would be too busy!"

We grabbed our books from our lockers. (On the inside, mine was covered in pink wrapping paper of course. There was a mini light up chandelier and text books covered in gold shimmery material with Science, History, ELA and-ugh- Math written using my rhinestone gun. There were extra hooks for sweaters, and shells I found at the beach when we went to New Jersey for hair pins. I apparently ended up with a locker that had a pre-installed mirror.) I grabbed my gold textbook with the rhinestones spelling math on it and turned to Kendyll who's locker is right next to mine.

"I'll see you in lunch!" I said dreading the 4 minutes we had to get to class-Math class

I got into class at the last second.

"You're late, Mrs. Johnson" Mrs. Applebalm announced.

I looked at my phone.

"I apologize I..." I paused waiting for an excuse to pop into my head "my locker was stuck"

"This is indeed your first time, so I will let you off with a warning."

Thank god!

"Today we will lead about square routes"

I heard a distant moan from every voice in the classroom.

As the class went on, a note was passed my way. It came from Marisa. Marisa is just the 3rd most popular girl in the 8th grade. Of course it's me then Kendyll then her. She's a cheerleader. Head cheerleader. I guess she was voted head by basically anyone who wanted to be her. Literately I hear them talk about it on the bus on the way to school and the way home. She is also an actress and dancer. But she can't sing. That's the good thing. It's also how my act beat her's in the talent show last year. Anyways so she sent me this note all of a sudden.

It read:

Okay stop playing games we all know u were late cause you were in the bathroom.

On the back it said:

Read to yourself then send to Mary.

"Ooh" I heard the class mumble and stare

I wrote back: Number 1: I saw you in there during Homeroom. Number 2: I was just at my locker organizing my stuff. Everyone knows that the point you just tried to make was used like 100 times in the movies... Oh I guess not everyone.

I sent it back her way. I saw the faces of the kids in the class light up when they read it. Now I was the one to be proud. When Marisa read it, she tried to whisper to the kids who read it to shut up and guess what? She got escorted from the class for 'using foul language.'

This class just went from the worst to my favorite ever!


comment if I should continue

Keep calm and be famousWhere stories live. Discover now