Little Red Riding Hood (Introduzione)

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" Little red riding hood
Why are you wandering in my wood?
Were you chasing a white bunny? Maybe,just a little mouse
Or are you searching for your granny?
Anyway,here is my house.
There is something behind this trees
That will make you shake your knees.
Here i have something to tell
Something that will make you pray
To never get in this place again
Will you follow me to the Hell?  "

Angolo autore :

Eeee niente,mi piace scrivere cagate in inglese :' visto che,per le poesie e anche le canzoni,è molto più musicale dell'italiano.Ora pubblico questa cosina e a breve inizio la storia! Seguitela~


Sebaciel - One Shots~Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora