Start 1 (Jack's side)

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((Okay. As these character's are real, I wouldn't kill one off. Leave, if you wanted that. I Also am using a new writing style to me and different type of word's. Okay? ~Author. P.S. NEVER call me a she. I was in the closet most my life. I'm not there anymore. I'm They. P.S.S They're not YouTuber's here. I want to do a hetero one taking place in school. Please don't hate me...))

~No one's POV~

"Jack! Jack! Come on!" Felix, one of Jack's best friends, says.

Jack rolls his eyes while smirking.

"Get Merk first!" Jack yells.

His Irish accent comes on a little stronger, when Jack is tired. A thing Felix loves making jokes about.

"Nope! You were the one that agreed to wake up at six," Felix says.

"But i was still up at five," Jack groans.

Felix sighs and yells,

"Jack won't get up!"

Jack rolls over.

"What happened to 'Sleep is for the weak'?" Felix asks.

Jack closes his eyes.

"It's still a thing. I just need to close my eyes," he says.

Felix closes the door. Going into the bathroom to get a cup of water to drop on Jack.

"Felix. What time is it?" An American accent asks.

"It's 6:20, Mark," Felix says.

"Why do we have to go now?" Mark asks.

"Take a shower, Marky," Felix says.

"Is this about Marzia? Just move in with her. Don't force us to get up," Mark says.

"Actually. It would be completely different time in America," Felix says.

"I don't care, Fe. Even back in America, we didn't wake up at six am," Mark says.

"I'm not your mum. I was the one getting up last back in Sweden. Now I wake you two up and send you off," Felix says.

"Mom?" Mark asks.

"Mark. If you aren't gonna take that shower, wake up Jack with this," Felix says.

He gives Mark the cup of cold water.

"Again?" Mark asks.

This has happened about 37 times before. Jack and video games...

"Yes. He wouldn't get up," Felix says.

"Normally i understand, why you need to wake him up. This time I don't understand," Mark says.

"Come on, Babe. For me?" Felix asks.

The three guys often 'flirt' with each other as a joke. All three are straight.

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