* Before starting this chapter I would like to inform you that Sleeping well WITHOUT monsters inc. does not take responsibilities for any of the things that are going to be said and we do NOT give money back if there is a problem with one of our products*
"I saw it!"- said child number one (=me)
"I saw it!"- said monster number one
"What the actual hell?!"-said the bed
Wait,Wait,Wait, What?
Sorry, that was rude of my part. First, please meet me, the one under my bed and my bed. Now let's continue with the story
"Hey! Is someone there?"-I asked
"No"- answered the monster on the other side of the bed
"Oh, come on, just admit to yourself that there is someone on the other side of the bed."- said the bed.
*Strange noises*
"What's going on there?-I asked
"Nothing, just throwing a party"-answered the monster
"Wait, What?! How am I supposed to sleep?"
I don't know and I don't care, leave me alone, I want to enjoy the party!"-the monster replied
*something jumps under the bed*
"Oh, hell no. I am not going to stand here without sleeping"-I said
And with that I went straight to SLEEPING WELL WITHOUT MONSTERS inc.
ParanormalWell, what are you going to say if you live in a world where flying plastic bottles are the most commonly used transport or where the gift everyone wants is a box in which there is a birthday dressed hen with a controversial nature. What happens ev...