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Sasha's P.O.V -

I watch anxiously as he walks away in to his room.

He's gone for a minute or so and throughout that time I am a shaky mess.

Why am I so nervous?

He walks back and my eyes widen in surprise.

No, in relief.



Fuck, I could sing!

"M-my journal."

He sighs and looks down.

"Look I know you're probably mad. I should've given it to you sooner-"

I shake my head with a ridiculous smile on my lips and monkey jump him, connecting our lips passionately.

He got my journal. He did this for me.

My man.

I smile throughout our kiss and when I pull away I can't help but praise him by leaving frantic kisses all over his face.

"Woah kitten, slow down there."

I giggle and leave one last kiss on his neck before pulling away and picking up the journal which was discarded on the floor when I ravished him.

I missed this old thing.

I quickly turn to the pages where I ranted about Vince and sigh in relief seeing that they are still there.

"A guy I know is ex CIA, he made sure the bitch had no copies."

This is it. I'm genuinely free.

Months on months I've been suffering, no more.

"Baron this is- wow."

He frowns and tenses once more.

"I know now that you'll be ready to leave. Now that you've heard all of that I wouldn't blame you for going. I said you had the decision and it's all yours..."

My eyes widen and I shake my head.

"Are you crazy? Baron I wouldn't have kissed you if I planned on leaving. I'm not going unless you want me to. I cherish what we have, didn't we just talk about this like five minutes ago? Get it through your incredibly thick and beautiful skull, I'm not going to leave you even if I have this thing back."

My hand is gently resting on his face and he sighs in pure relief at my words.

"Thank fuck."

We stay silent until he smirks and I already sense the sarcasm coming.

Oh god...

"Thick and beautiful skull?"

I groan and bury my face in his chest.

"Why Miss Banks I don't assume you've obtained any evidence that shows how thick and or beautiful the bone marrow of my skull is."

I can't help but let out a giggle.

"Maybe not, but I know how thick the bone marrow is in... other places so either way I win."

I smile smugly and begin to walk away but not before he catches me.

I squeal in surprise whilst he presses my backside against him.

"Do you now?" He murmurs against my ear.

hostage | - dod sequel • completed ✓Where stories live. Discover now