chapter 14

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Lil vid for you to watch 😂^^

Max's POV

I was in my room when Harvey called me

"Max come down!!!"

"OK jeezes "

I go to see Ethan and tom (our friends ) there 

"Hi guys " 

"Hi max " I hear a response

We do our bro hug thing then go to our room to play video games

Tilly comes in and sits on my lap

(Tilly is his little sister for Ppl who didn't know )

"Max where's your gf ?"

"Um tills I don't have a gf "

"YOU DO DONT LIE " she shouts in my ear.

"Tilly max doesn't have one "Harvey sais

" he does that funny girl!!" I have no idea what she's saying

I stare at Harvey for help

He just shrugs I glare at him

"Her name is

(Cliffhanger )

Sarina's POV

" for the last time Huma he'll like it !!" I was stuck with Huma who has been to 20 shops just to find the perfect gift for ayato she can't decide! I keep telling her buy him something simple but noo it has to be amazing

"No he'll hate it I need to get something be.... " I cut her off my snatching the video games out of her hand and paying for them

Then smiling

"Here you go I just saved you and me a hell lot of time "

Maryams POV

Sleep sleep sleep


Sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep

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