chapter 38

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Sarinas pov

I stare levi with hatred while he talks to Huma

"Sarina " someone calls me

"Sarina!!" The person shouts i jump and look around

And see it was only max

" you scared me! " I punch his shoulder

"Ow!" He rubs his shoulder 

"Sorry " I laugh

"HARVEY " I hear someone shout

Me and max turn to look at ayato chasing Harvey

"What happened " I ask

"Why are you wearing my hat " max asks

" because Harvey put green hair dye lotion in my shampoo bottle ! "

I stare at Harvey and he smiles

"I was bored "

I shake my head and smile

" What Shall we do ? " I say also bored

"Play a game !" Levi suggested

"Naa " we all say

"Lets watch a movie " I say

"Yea!" Max agrees with me

"THE PURGE" Huma screams

We all sit down

And watch

Maxs POV

I wasn't really paying attention to the movie i kept seeing the cute faces Sarina would make every time a jump scare came

I smile at the thought of surprising her on her birthday 

It's gonna be epic

Boring chap ik

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