Calm Before The Storm

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"Attention all eighth-grade students. At this moment in time, you should all be sitting in your advisement class, waiting patiently for The Teen Trust Trials to begin." The intercom buzzed. "Your homeroom teacher has a mandatory booklet, and will be the one to explain, in depth, what is going to take place in an hour's time. We remind all eighth-grade students that if a student causes an interruption while the rules are being proclaimed, said student will be automatically entered into the Trial. Those of us on the Trial committee wish you the best of luck." There was a crackle, before the intercom went silent.

It was silent, nobody daring to talk. It was kind of ironic when you thought about it. If this was a normal school day, there would be whispering, and most likely giggling. Yet not today. Not when everybody knew what was at stake.

I glanced around the room. Dove smiled softly, always the kind one, the one wishing to reassure others.

'It's going to be okay.' she mouthed. I gave her a weak smile in return. We reached towards each other, as if to touch hands, even though she was sitting at the far left desk. It was a comforting gesture all the same. 

"Mira." a voice whispered. I turned right to see Sophie looking my me from the middle desk in her row. She smiled at me, which I returned. She glanced at Mrs. Adal, our amazing homeroom teacher, before dashing up, giving me a tight hug and passing me a note. She was back in her seat before I could register what had happened. I opened the note, on which was scrawled, 'I promise.'  We grinned at each other.

If I was honest with myself, I was really nervous about the Trials, even just the "eliminating process" as we called it. We had all promised each other things, but I wasn't sure if we'd be able to keep them. Gabi was one of the nicest people I knew, but I didn't doubt that there were things she would do to stay with her boyfriend. And there was Sophie, who would always choose Gabi, her first best friend, over me. There was Dove, and Holly, who were too nice for their own good. I knew that they would hesitate if them getting through meant somebody else didn't. I had made them promise to go through with me. I just hoped they would keep it.

My thoughts were forced to a halt as Mrs. Adal started to read from the booklet, her voice quivering.

"The booklet should be read one hour before The Teen Trust trials are commenced. The Trials will last for six weeks. During which we, the committee, will test your endurance, thought process, decision making, and resilience, among other things.These Trials will show you who your true friends are, who you can really trust." There was a pause, during which we and my peers glanced around, looking at each other uneasily. 

"We must remind you that attendance from all students of the eighth grade is required. Any students who are missing from class today, whether by choice or otherwise, we be automatically entered into the Trials." she paused again, and when she spoke again her voice sounded thick with sadness. "

"All students who are entered into the Trials will not see their guardians or any other family members until the Trials are over. In a moments time, we will go over the first stage of the trials, which involves all eighth-grade students. We regret to inform you-" she started, but broke off, now crying freely. We were all extremely anxious. What could have made our fun-loving, easy going teacher cry?

"We regret to inform you that all participants of The Teen Trust Trials will not survive."


Text copyright © Randi-Wandi™ 2018

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2018 ⏰

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