Chapter 2

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Hyeon Ji's POV

"Wake up sleeping beauty," My eyes flew open and Jungkook's face is super close to mine. I quickly sat up straight and by doing that my head hit Jungkook's face.


"Sorry," I mumble.

"Could you warn me before you do that? I don't want you to ruin this beautiful face of mine," He said while rubbing his face. Typical Jungkook. I quickly grab my stuff and head off.

"Yah wait for me," I heard him say before exiting out of the classroom. He came running to me and walked beside me. 

"You know, you will look more beautiful if you just smile," Jungkook said. I just roll my eyes and speed up. He caught up to me and continue on, "Yah. Its's the truth. You already look beautiful the way you are but if you just smile-"

"Can you just get lost!" I cut him off and ran to the bus stop where the bus is already there. I board the bus and went home. 

The bus ride was about 15 minutes long and it finally reached the stop that I will be getting off at.

I got off the bus and cross the road. My house is just opposite the bus stop. To tell all of you guys the truth, I hate my house. Why? Well it's because it's located right in front of a forest. Which means that vampires will find my house really easily but I can't move because it's my parents house, it's my house.

The moment I step into the house, my dog, Lulu came running to me.

"Hi Lulu. How was your day?" I ask and Lulu barks happily in return. I just smiled and head to the kitchen to get Lulu something to eat.

After I poured the dog food into her bowl and replace the water from her water bowl, I head up to my room.

The instant I saw my bed, I collapse on it and stare at my bedroom ceiling.

"Another boring day at my boring house," I mumble to myself.

Being alone in the house is just boring, there's no one to talk to, I mean if I have friends that would be great and all but they would just run off if they found out about my interests in vampires.

It happened to my so called best friends I met at the start of high school. We hung out almost everyday because you know I got no one at home so most of the time I am free. Once I got comfortable with them, I told them about my interests in vampires and just like that they ran off and didn't talk to me the next day. So from that day onwards I made a promise to myself, I will not ever make friends anymore as I needed to be fake in order to gain friends so no thank you.

All of a sudden my phone rang. I looked at the screen of my phone expecting a name to pop up but it was just a number. I picked up the phone and I could hear a similar voice on the other side of the line.

"Aye you picked up!" His voice booming through the other line.

"How to you get my number?" I ask in a bored tone.

"Well, I got my way," He replied.

"Well, delete it. Bye, Jeon Jungkook," I ended the call and surprisingly he didn't call back.

Since I have nothing else to do, I shall read the book that I borrowed from the library the other day.

I grab the book that was place on my nightstand, sat back on my bed.

History of vampires

The title was huge on the cover page.

So far what I know about vampires are there are 2 kinds of vampire, the pure-blood vampires and the normal kind of vampires.

The pure-blood vampires are the ones that can change humans to vampires, they are born as vampires so when they reach a certain age, they would stop aging for good. For the normal kind of vampires, they are just the one that got changed from humans to vampires and they would stop aging at that age when they change.

Also, some vampires carry a power with them. It's really rare as it's 1 out of 50 a vampire can gain power.

If you ask me why am I so interested in them, well is because I find them the same as us humans just they feed on different kinds of food and you know have powers and can't age. But the thing is, there are good vampires out there just some bad ones that crave on human blood but they are just the same as us.

"Well, I'll just get to reading then," I said to myself and read the almost the whole night.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2021 ⏰

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