Chapter 3

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"What do you want to know?" Damon asks. "Everything." I say. "Are you sure?" He asks. "Yes."
"You're a What?!? No this can't be happening." I tell Damon while I pace back and forth. "Savannah, calm down. At least now you know." He says. "Really Damon. 'Calm down' my entire life has been a lie. And my parents were hunters, my friends parents are hunters. I can't calm down." I grab my cup filled with bourbon and throw it into the fire. The flames became bigger and sparks flew, but not the sparks I was hoping for.

"Savannah." Damon says and I turn towards him and he kisses me. I was hesitant but I kiss back. I wrap my arms around his neck while he snakes his around my waist. I pull away and smirk. "Damon Salvatore kisses poor old Savannah Gilbert? Wow, I thought you had better taste." I say as I roll my eyes. He smirks as he turns to walk away but I grab his wrist and turn him back towards me. I grab his shirt collar and pull him towards me and kiss him. But not just any kiss, it's filled with passion and hunger. He kisses back immediately. He pulls away and puts his hand on the bottom of my shirt and rips it off I kiss him again and pull his hair.

I start to unbutton his shirt, but I wanted to tease him. So I unbuttoned each button very slowly one at a time. I kiss down his jawline and I his neck. Then I pull away. "Tease." Damon says as he rolls his eyes. "Damon I need a shirt. You kinda ripped mine." I smirk. He smirks and takes my hand. He pulls me into his room and grabs me a black shirt. "Damon this is too big." I say. "Actually it fits perfectly, it's just not tight." He smirks. "Damon I'm not wearing this to school." I roll my eyes. "Then you don't have to go. We could stay here and h-" I cut him off by throwing the shirt at him and running downstairs. When I come face to face with my best friend and I have no shirt on.

"Stefan." Damon says with a smirk. I stand there awkwardly. "Damon. Savannah." Stefan says as he looks at me. "Um.. Damon. I could definitely use that shirt now." I tell him. "I don't have it." He says with a smirk. "It's in my room." I nod and start up the stairs when I hear them talking.

"Damon. What are you doing with her?" Stefan semi yells. "I'm having fun and she's the one who started it." He says with a smirk. "I don't want to hear about it." Stefan rolls his eyes and I head upstairs and grab that shirt. I put it on and I look in the mirror and mentally slap myself for letting Damon rip my shirt. I roll my eyes and look for some scissors. I see some on the counter and I grab them. I take off the shirt and I lay it on his bed. I start cutting it and I make it more of a 'Savannah look' I put it back on and I smirk. I walk downstairs and see Damon look at me up and down. I roll my eyes and I continue walking. "Stefan want to ride with me to school?" I ask. "Sure."He says as he walks to get his stuff. "You know that shirt looked better when it wasn't on you." Damon says with a smirk. "You're not getting it back by the way." I say as I roll my eyes and see Stefan walking back. "Ready?" I ask and he nods.

We walk outside and I turn towards him. "Stefan, I'm sorry you had to see me like that. But I mean aren't I hot? I'm surprised any guys wouldn't think I was hot." I laughed at my joke as we got into my car. "It's okay." He says. "Stefan are you okay?" I ask. "Yeah. I want you to have something." He says while he pulls out a box. "Stefan you didn't have to." I say while taking the box. I open it and my jaw drops. It was a beautiful necklace. It was oval shaped and it was a dark blue color, it was also a locket I picked it up and smiled. I smelled something and I brought the locket up to my nose so I could smell it. I knew what it was. Vervain. I didn't tell him did I? "Vervain." I say. "What?" He asks. "Stefan, I know." I tell him as his face drops. "Damon told you didn't he?" He asks. "Yes."

"And are you afraid?" He asks. "I was. But now I'm not." I tell him and I see him smile. I reach over and hug him and he hugs back. I smile and pull away. "Do you mind?" I say picking up the necklace. "Not at all." He smiles and I turn around and he puts the necklace around me and puts it around my neck. I lift up my hair as he starts clasping it. I touch the necklace and smile. "Did you get Elena one? Because if you didn't and she sees me with a new necklace what am I supposed to tell her without her getting jealous?" I ask. "Um.. yeah. Can I show you?" He asks. "Sure." He pulls out a necklace from his pocket and its beautiful. It is an antique silver color with a red jewel at the top and I touch it. "It's gorgeous! She'll love it, especially since you are giving it to her. Now a days she doesn't shut up about you." I laugh. And he smiles.
We get to the school and get out. We start walking up to the school together and everyone stares at us. I look at him and laugh. "I think we should play it off." I whisper as he smiles. I grab his hand and intertwine our fingers. I look at him and stop walking. I lean in and I whisper "let's do this." I pull myself up and kiss him. He kisses back immediately. "What about Damon?" He asks. "Stefan, Damon and I aren't dating. We're just friends.. with benefits." I smirk as he laughs. "Thanks." I tell him. "For what?" He asks. "The necklace. It's beautiful." I tell him as I grab the necklace.

Savannah Gilbert {1}. (The Vampire Diaries/teen Wolf)Where stories live. Discover now