Chapter 28- Anne Marie

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The battle was in full blast by the time my small band of Fallen Angels and I arrived at the place where it was all going down.

Screams of the dying filled the air, and I could tell that those people were no more for whatever reason. Angels, Demons, and Fallen alike fell from the sky and into the crashing waves below, the dark waters swallowing them.

"Lilly," I barked as a wave of water was pushed towards us. I flicked my wings towards the front, pushing me back and down as Lilly flew over me. My eyes were trained on the battle ahead, not caring that some of the other sides were trying to get towards us only to be stopped by the people on my side.

She yelled out and moved her hands apart, making the whole wall of water break into two. She moved back behind me as we carried through, determination in her eyes.

"Damion, you're up," I called out, watching as a stream of fire was shot off from the center of the "storm." Dread and exhilaration filled my body because I knew that that was where we needed to go. We needed to get me there, so I could do whatever the hell He wanted me to do.

Damion moved to the front of the group, his whole body red from the colors of the fire. He called the fire towards him, making the path clear for us to move by. His arms glowed red as the flames licked them, but I could tell that the fire didn't hurt him. He threw the fire at some Angels that had turned bad before moving to my side as I moved forward. "I don't know how my times I can do that," he said, his voice strained. "It's Eternal Fire."

I bit back a curse and looked at the battles that were ranging on. I knew that that the fire could potentially kill us all, and I had no idea if everyone was willing to die for this. I knew that most did not know why we were fighting, and all they knew was that He had "asked" them to help me. "Matthew, your turn," I said, pushing myself until I was near Gabriel.


"I need you to warn everyone about the Eternal Fire," I said, interrupting him. I didn't look at him, knowing that if I did then I would probably kiss him. I knew that he had a chance to get back with the Angels, but I didn't. I knew that I didn't because of the path that I had led after I was declared a fallen.

Gabriel was silent for a moment. He watched as Matthew broke the rocks before looking at me. "What about you?" he asked. Worry and fear filled his voice as he grimaced. He knew what this might mean, and I could tell that he didn't like it. "I can't..."

I huffed and turned to look at him. I had never seen him so distraught that it broke my heart. I offered him a small smirk, not knowing if my time was up or not. I was a fighter, a warrior. I had been through so much shit that I was surprised that I had never been killed off. "I'll b-"

"Anne Marie, your turn," Damion said, interrupting me. He didn't look back at us, knowing full well that all I needed was him telling me when it was my turn to use my powers.

"Hang on," I said and with that, I darted ahead before I broke the wall of wind using my scythe. "Keep us guarded. We are close," I yelled, causing them to nod. Again, I moved closer to Gabriel and looked at him through the corner of my eye. "Most people don't know what they are fighting for. They don't know that this is life or death. Some do but most don't."

"They're fighters, warriors," Gabriel argued. He moved one hand through his hair before gesturing to some of the battles that were ranging on. "They are trained to do this. They know what they had signed up for."

I don't want you to see me go through that portal, I thought, keeping my mouth closed. I don't need you to follow me. "I am sure that they do," I said, sarcastically. "Most duties are to kill Fallen Angels, and right now, they are being led by one. Go do it, please."


"Because I fucking love you," I roared, moving my body in front of his so that both of us came to a complete stop. I stared at him, my eyes bright with unshed tears. I had no idea why I was wanting to cry, but at that moment, the world seemed to stop and my emotions were out of control. "I love you," I whispered/hissed. "I don't know what is going to happen, but I know it isn't going to be pretty. I don't need you to try and stop me."

Gabriel's face paled. He opened his mouth to say something but closed it. Again, he tried to say something, and again, he failed.

I placed a single kiss on his lips before using my wings to move me out of his reach. "Go and do what I said," I said. "Please." I glanced at the group to see them watching us but making sure that no one could get to us. "You're the only one that I can trust to do this," I added, looking back at him.

Gabriel opened his mouth before he closed it. Deep sadness filled his eyes, and I knew that he knew that he needed to let me go. Slowly, he nodded and cleared his throat. "Try to stay alive," he whispered, not even trying to make me promise. He knew that it wasn't in my hands if I lived or died. "I want to take you out on a date."

My throat closed, causing me to clear my throat. "We'll see," I whispered, moving closer to him. With that, I placed another kiss on his lips before starting to go the way that I needed to do. I didn't know what the future held, but I knew that his love for me was just as strong as my love for him.

Maybe, He would allow it. It all depended on if both of us got out of this alive.  

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