Chapter One

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Panting. Rushing down the hall in such a monstrous hurry that her legs have become jelly from running so long.

   She cried out for help, but the monster kept chasing her. Soon enough, the screen turned black with the words THE END in white silicone letters.

  "That was so cliché!" Caesarus, the younger of the four said, falling back into her chair.

   "Oh hush will you? You wouldn't want to wake Valienta up would you?" Lirvana, a small child for her age, said hushed.  "Oh please quit bickering you senseless gits! It's annoying and quite frankly delusional.Can you bumbling squat-brains shut up for once?!" Cortiell, a girl with blonde hair and the coldest of eyes said sharply.

    "Fine. And only because I don't want to wake up Valienta." Lirvana whispered, still wanting to argue with the other.

   Gathering their belongings into four rather large suitcases they headed out to the train station. They had gotten their VIP invitations a little bit too late and they set out for Hogwarts.

Ceasarus Ulthena
Rabbit Patronus
African American
Elemental Fedeloxin

Cortiell Monolougeah
Eagle Patronus
Nocturnal Fedeloxin

Valienta Sithus
Great Dane Patronus
Universal Fedeloxin

Lirvana Coronthium
Bohemian Waxwing Patronus
Solar Fedeloxin

     They arrived at Hogwarts at exactly 9:10 am and walked towards the entrance when a mysterious man came before them.

   "Welcome, Fedeloxin Girls. I take it you don't know who I am?" The mysterious human said.

    The man before them was an average height guy, appearing to be in his late 90's or so, with flowing robes and a long white beard.

    "No, we don't particularly associate with you. Might you introduce yourself?" Valienta said, with a perplexed gaze.

   "So sorry, my name is Albus Dumbledore and I am the headmaster Of Hogwarts." Dumbledore said, welcoming the girls inside.

    "I truly apologize for the letters arriving so late, they must've been sent to the wrong address by the owls." He said, walking in front of the four of them inside of the school.

   "It's fine, we got here and that's what matters!" Lirvana said, smiling softly.

  "Anyways, we'll have to arrange a ceremony to introduce you Fedeloxin to the students." Dumbledore said, "And each of you will be sorted into a house. Do any of you happen to know the houses?"

   "Hugglepoof, Rowenclog, Griffledome and Seekerope?" Cortiell took a timid guess.

  "Not quite. Hufflepuff, Slytherin, Ravenclaw and Gryffindor." Dumbledore corrected, chuckling at the incompetence of Cortiell.

   "Anyways, we have a lot to cover on this part. First let's sort you into your houses and then get some rest." Dumbledore stated.

    A few moments later, as a ceremony was called to the students and professors attention, they all piled up into their separate house tables and the professors stood beside the students in a orderly fashion.

    "I have called you all here to introduce the four girls who will be joining the first year classes. They will be sorted into their houses and, as per request, please do not harm them or say anything rude or nasty about them. They are Fedeloxin, the sworn protectors of the universe and what lies within it." Dumbledore plainly explained.

   They set up the chair and the sorting hat for all to see the Fedeloxin sorted.

   "LIRVANA CORONTHIUM" the sorting hat yelled, not caring if he damaged some ears.

   Lirvana stepped up nervously and sat down in the chair as Professor McGonagall places the hat on top of her head.

   After a few moments of pondering, the hat declared, "HUFFLEPUFF" as the House cheered, she shyly sat down in their table.
  A few seconds later, the hat called, "CORTIELL MONOLOUGEAH"

   As soon as she sat down, the hat could already tell what she would be placed in.


  As the table cheered she slinked down to sit next to a random boy, who was coincidentally a big part of her history.


   The hat called as she impatiently sat down onto the chair.

   A long time past and the hat still couldn't decide what house to place Valienta in.

   "Slytherin would be a great option for this young girl, but she has an undoubtable amount of Gryffindor inside of her."


The red table full of children cheered as she sat down next to Hermione Granger.


  As she was the last girl standing, she walked swiftly over to the chair and sat down.

   The hat was placed on her head and everything went silent.

    Every house was carefully watching the young girl, and watched the hat ponder longingly.


   After a brief moment of silence, loud cheers erupted from the Ravenclaw table as she sat down next to who would be Luna Lovegood.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2018 ⏰

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