So logon Paul decided to put a video on YouTube showing everyone a dead body of a man hanging. He later deleted the video also making a I'm sorry video. Well I put in the comments 'I forgive you' and people started saying shut to me like grow up, use your danm brain, your to young to understand, and shut like that.
Huh, well number one shut the fuck up this is my opinion you have your own I can't tell you how to live your life and you don't tell me.
Number two I'm preeeeety sure I'm older than, because only a 10 year old would do that kinda shit (I'm sorry if your ten people °^°)
Number 3, you people are talking about how this is traumatizing kids when really you people are sitting here cursing me out because I wanted to say my one opinion.
I hate ranting on and on about this but jyst because someone has there own opinion on something doesn't mean you should go out and sit there and say shit like "grow up".