The Grand Reveal

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Her colbolt hair danced in the incoming ocean breeze from the great sea as she approached the chamber of her queen. She continued to climb the tall stairs with ease and excitement to see her friend/queen. She reached the top and looked down towards the main boat launch near her personal quarters. Pushing open the massive doors open she glided into the room.

"Good evening Eliana, how is my favorite adviser doing this night" A calm yet powerful voice said from deeper into the room.

"Magister, today was long to say the least" Said the pale elf as she fiddled with her hair.

"Eliana you need not call me that for you are my closet friend" She said moving off the well decorated bed viewing the harbors mid points. "I have something i'd like you to do for me....check on our Star Auger for me please if you can and do hurry it is getting late, can you do that now please"?

"Of course Elisande" And with that i rushed out of the room after saying goodbye to my friend and started towards the stairs.

Making my way past the center of Suramar towards Etraeus's star dome i couldn't help but notice and look up at the stars that have hidden from us for so long. "You wish to see Etraeus i assume Eliana"? A guard said while quickly moving in-front of me waving me on forward.

Stars fell from the ceiling of the hallway leading to my destination... it always amazed me seeing this hallway full of stars. I opened his door and like always he was floating around arranging stars in his little piece of heaven. "Who is behind me"? He said still fiddling with his star charts. "It's me Etraeus, Elisande sent me to see how you were doing, don't really know what for but.." I tried not to be taken back by his amazing room.

He came down from hovering and moved close towards me almost effortlessly. "And what is it she had you come here for.."? He said in an almost raspy voice that sent shivers down my spine; clearly he picked up on this and chuckled. "Haha... sorry" He moved out of his dome and continued down the hallway towards his chambers. "Come on and follow don't just stand there like one of my guards" He said wanting me to follow. "Talk to me while i lay down, rearranging stars takes a lot of effort you know" He wasn't much for being quite even with his guards, i heard that he would invite them in for manawine every week and sit down and talk about whatever came up.

"Very well" I followed. I followed him to a large purple door with designs all over it and before we even touched it the door opened. He walked in first and i followed closing the door behind me.

His room was huge with lots of live star clusters and strings of pure magic and arcane hanging from the ceiling. I walked around taking it all in with awe, this room was so peaceful, serine and calming. He walked over to his bed and laid back on his soft pillow clearly drained from all his spell weaving. "Make yourself comfortable, you know i don't bite Eliana" He said patting down on the bed beside him. I sat down on the bed beside him facing him and giving him my full attention. "Weaving is real sweaty work Eliana" He said while lifting his sweat drenched robes off revealing his lavender abs and dusky purple trousers.

I couldn't help but look at his toned chest and he had caught on to this. "Ahh,yes not what you would expect huh~" He said in a raspy voice making me blush. "Uh, i'm sorry what did you say" I said trying not to be awkward and obvious i was checking him out. "Your lavender skin can't even hide your flushed face" He said slyly with a smirk on his face. I couln't help but blush harder with that statement trying to hide my face.

The Magister's Hand ~ A Star Augur Etraeus Fanfiction~Where stories live. Discover now