Chapter Fifteen

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I got up as early as I could the next day. I knew deep in my heart, meeting Richard was my motivation but I couldn't bring myself to accept it. After reminiscing on last night's events, I carried myself out of bed and knelt on the floor beneath my bed. It felt strange how this felt like the natural thing to do. Maybe if I prayed, Richard would know. He would notice it, just like the Bible said Moses' face shone after his time with God.

'Uuumn...God, thank you for today...and for family...for Richard. Thank you for Richard.'

I headed to the kitchen where Grandma was making breakfast.

'Good morning Nana.'

'Wow...for the first time in...I don't know when...You're up just before breakfast.'

'Well...I will be gone on a day like today, next week. You might as well see as much as you can of me before I go.' Grandma gave me a kiss on my cheek.

'Hhhmn, you look different today,' she said as she eyed me.

'Really?' I smiled at her and then went into the pantry to bring out baking items.

'You're baking today? Wow!' Grandma looked at me in amazement.

'Nana...please. It's nothing serious..... Just a cake for Richard.'

Grandpa dropped me off at the church office two hours later. I knocked on Pastor Ray's door and Richard opened it.

'Good morning. Come in please,' he made way for me and I walked in and found Pastor Ray on his desk.

'Good morning Maya. I see Grandma sent in one of her delicious baked treats.'

'Morning Pastor. Actually, this is for Richard.'

'Oooh really! Thank you very much. From Grandma?' Richard asked as he received it.

'From me.' Our eyes locked briefly before he turned and placed it on his desk.

'I'll go make us some coffee,' he walked out and left me with Pastor Ray.

'Please take a seat Maya.'

'Thank you Pastor.'

'How are things? Are you excited about going back to school?'

'I'm doing alright. Yes I am.'

'Two years right?'

'Yes, two years.'

'It was great having you around. We're going to miss you.'

'I'm going to miss it here too.'

Richard came back with two cups of coffee. He handed one to me

'Thank you.'

'You know, we should get you a huge coffee tin as a parting gift. You're going to need it for all the late nights of assignments and study,' said Pastor Ray.

'Yeah, cause that's how you'll be spending your late nights.' I brushed off the voice but the thought had already sunk in deep. Who was I kidding thinking I'm going back to start a new life? I was heading straight back to Sodom, with no one to watch over me.

'Is everything alright?' Richard asked me an hour later. We had finished our cups of coffee and some cake, and were strolling around the office grounds.

'I'm going back to my old life.'

'If you let it happen.'


'If you believe the lies...the voices that are going on inside your head...then yes you will. But if you reject the voices and believe the won't'

'What truth?'

'That you're worth it,' said Richard in response

'Worthy of what?'

'Worthy of love...and you don't have to look no further. For God so demonstrated his love for us, that while we were still sinners, Christ came and died for us. He already paid the price, so you could be reconciled to God.'

We approached a bench and sat down.

'What kind of love have you known?' He asked me.

'Toxic love...the kind that could kill you but you stay either way.'

'A boyfriend?'

'He was more than a boyfriend. He was everything.'

'Have you broken ties with this person?'

'Why do you want to know?'

'It will tell me the state of your heart.'

'Why do you want my heart?'

'God wants your heart Maya. He's the only one who would give you real love...and life, in abundance. Others just come to steal, kill and destroy. But Jesus, he came so you may have life and have it in abundance.'

'But I'm already living?'

'But do you feel like you are really living?' Richard asked

' that's where the being born again part comes in.'


'But isn't it boring? I mean, the people I've seen are boring. They dress up in drab clothes, carry Bibles all the time and speak funny.'

'Am I boring?' Richard looked at me with a smile

''re the exception...You're funny; you dress nice, smell nice.'

'Are your grandparents boring? Pastor Ray? Sandra?'

'Ok, ok...I get the point.'

''ve been hanging around born again people but didn't feel out of place....I know you might not admit it now, but you hanging around us actually made you want to have what we have.'

I looked down at my sneakers and coughed.

'You're right...I do want it. I want that peace...that joy and confidence you carry around.'I replied

'Then you know what you got to do.'

Richard got up and reached for my hand.

'Lunch?'He asked

'Uuumn...I only have enough money for transport.'

'Don't worry about it.'

I got up and we walked hand in hand all the way to the car park where his car was stationed.

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