▪Chapter Three▪

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I look around.
It's Mrs. Specks room. I'm in my 4th grade class. Why am I in here???
I look around and I see Antonio, and Sierra, and Dylan all in the corner by the door.
I look at my desk. I look down and see my hands. I'm much younger. Why am I here...
I stand up and question why and how I'm in 4th grade.
I walk up to Antonio and try and ask what day it is. I look him dead in the eyes and he ignores me. Am I not there...I yell in my childish voice...it doesn't get the point across. I look back at the desk and there I am. I look at me. I walk to cautiously trying not to stumble around...i look at me and he has this dead look on his face....i walk up to the desk chills trembling down my whole body....ice rolls through my spine and the sound of piano comes back.
I look dead into my eyes...somethings wrong.
I look deeper and deeper....something about me isn't right...i stare deeper and deeper....
I look at me and simply say "What's wrong"
My face opens and screams erupt. A carnival sound plays as I stare into the abyss of my younger mind.
It gets loud and I stumble back. I hit the counter and cover my head.
I jolt awake on my bed.
Sweat pouring down my face. I'm hyperventilating.
I look at Phoenix and I pull him close. As I'm petting the black ball of fur..i get a cold chill. I go downstairs and get some food. As I'm eating I feel this presence.
For some reason I'm incredibly tired today, that nap didn't help.
I grab my plate and head to the sink.
I lay my plate in the sink and at as I pull my arm back a see cuts on my arm..im not sure what these are from. I head back upstairs and as I hit the too of the steps I scoop up my kitten. I hold him in my arms as I head to the room. I lay back down and turn on the T.V.
I start to zone out on the T.v. and before I know it I black out again.

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