Search for Hermes

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"Great we're going to Hell." Marcus said.
"Look if you're not man enough you can go back, none of us will stop you Marcus." I replied.
"No I'm fine, I just didn't think going to Hell would be part of the plan." Marcus said.
"It is now." I replied.
"Also we're not going to Hell, we're going to The Underworld." Sarah said.
"Hell, Underworld, same thing." Marcus replied.
"Oh just quit your bitching Marcus." Kevin said.
"Alright that's enough." Jason said.
"Stow it Boy Scout, I don't take orders from you." Trevor said. I stabbed my sword into the ground and set a tree on fire, "If we are going to go up against Hades and survive, we need to work together, this pissing contest is over, got it?" I said.
"Wait you said "Go up against Hades and survive" we're not going to fight Hades are we?" Derek asked.
"There's a high probability that he will get angry so yeah we're going to fight Hades." I replied. Jason walked up beside me and said "Hades isn't the only reason we're going is it?"
"No, I'm hoping to find my mother." I replied.
"What makes you think she'll be there?" Jason asked.
"Because the Minotaur I just banished to the Underworld is the same one that killed my mom, and when I looked in the portal I saw my mom's scarf." I replied.
"Are you sure it's your mom's scarf?" Jason asked.
"Yes I'm positive, it's the only thing I remember of her." I replied.
"Plus it makes sense, a Minotaur killed my mom, sending her to the Underworld, my father is the king of the Underworld, which would mean..." I said.
"Your parents would be reunited." Jason said.
"Exactly so that means if it works out the right way, I'll be able to meet both my mother and my father." I said.
"Well let's hope your plan works out the way it should." Jason said.
"So who knows how to get to the Underworld?" Kayla said.
"Did not think about that one." Derek said.
"I know who can." Kevin said. We traveled for four weeks until we came across an abandoned car lot. We found two Jeeps that just needed gas. We filled up the Jeeps and we were off. "So Kevin can you tell us who the hell we're looking for?" Derek asked.
"We're looking for Hermes, my father." Kevin replied.
"Wait I thought that Demigods weren't allowed physical contact with their parents." Jason said.
"Hermes and I can run at supersonic speeds, do you really think we would follow that rule?" Kevin replied.
"That makes sense." I said.
"So where is he?" Derek asked.
"Washington D.C." Kevin replied.
"Washington?" I asked.
"Yep Washington." Kevin said. We traveled for about a month until we found ourselves in D.C, Marcus and Derek had to stop for about ten bathroom breaks on the way there, and Trevor didn't even travel with us in the Jeeps, he traveled on a motorcycle he fixed. Marcus, Kayla, Sarah, and Derek stopped at a 7 Eleven to get snacks while Jason, Kevin, and I came up with a plan. "All right so where exactly is Hermes?" Jason asked.
"He's in a prison underneath the Pentagon." Kevin replied.
"You didn't ask." Kevin said.
"That's something that's kind of information that we need to know." Jason said. Kevin explained the plan to everyone else when they came out of the store.
"Now there's nothing too great we need to deal with just some security guards, that's where Marcus and Trevor come in, then Nathan, Sarah, Kayla, and Jason will need to deal with any extra security that might come, and then Derek and I will deal with breaking Hermes out of his cell."
"Yeah except the fact that Hermes is in a prison cell underneath the Pentagon." I said.
"Whoa whoa whoa, we're breaking into the Pentagon?" Sarah asked.
"Yes we're breaking into the Pentagon." Kevin replied. We traveled to the Pentagon, and our plan to break out Hermes began. "Alright Derek you're with me, we'll start by quickly running in to open the gate." Kevin said.
"Yeah emphasis on "quick"." I said.
"All right, does everyone remember their parts?" Kevin asked.
"Yes." we all said.
"All righty then, let's bust my dad out of jail." Kevin said. He used his super speed to sneak inside the Pentagon. "All right we're in the control room, opening the" Kevin said.
"Let's go guys." I said.
"All right Marcus, Trevor, you guys know what to do." Jason said.
"Let's go Van Halen." Trevor said. They went to go handle the guards while we waited for our part of the plan. "So what's it feel like to be the son of Hades?" Kayla asked me.
"Well it ain't a bundle of sunshine and rainbows." I replied.
"Come on Nathan it can't be that bad, you can control fire." she said.
"Yeah but it's hard for you or anyone to relate, you all knew who your parents are, I never knew,I didn't even know I had powers until I hit Trevor and Derek with that bolt of fire, plus I was raised by a satyr." I said.
"A satyr who loved you like one of his own." she said.
"It doesn't matter he probably knew who my father was, he just never told me." I said.
"If Phil knew who your father was don't you think he would've told you a long time ago, and even if he did know, he probably didn't tell you to protect you." she said.
"Sure not telling me information I deserve to know was to protect me." I said.
"That's not what I mean..." she said.
"Guys Miyamoto Musashi and I are finished here." Marcus said.
"Alright guys this is the big part, Nathan, you and your group defend the outside and keep reinforcements out of the building, Marcus, you and Trevor keep watching the inside of the building while Derek and I break Hermes out of his cell, does everybody got it?" Kevin said.
"Got it." we all said.
"All right let's bust a God out of jail." Derek said.

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