Chapter 1

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For those unfamiliar with Chinese , there are some common nicknames that will be used in this story.

For example Zhang ZhengXiong will often be called Little Xiong or Lil'Xiong or A'Xiong by his friends...


Chapter 1: Number T-105

It was a calm and quiet night, or at least it should have been. The nights in the city were busier than the days. A good place to see this was at the city's night market.

As night fell, the rainbow lights flickered on, the hawking of various street vendors began to sound out, the smell of various snacks filled the air, and there was too much merchandise for the eyes to take in.

Among the hustle and bustle of the night market; in a simple, little, outdoor eatery selling stir-fry; there was a table of customers with a completely different atmosphere compared to the surroundings. They were three men with grave expressions looking somewhat indisposed.

However, as far as the bosses of the little eatery, the old Wang couple, was concerned; these three were frequent customers.

The one among these three men who could cause others to raise an eyebrow was named Ye Cang. It was a fairly ordinary name, Ye meaning 'leaf' and Cang meaning 'pale', but his appearance was not ordinary. He had white hair, white eyebrows, as well as fluttering white eyelashes. Even his pupils were a weird pink with a hint of red. His expression faintly showed some grief. He had a delicate face, a scrawny build, and fair-white but not sickly pale skin. At this moment, with one hand on his forehead, he gave a deep sight:

"Considering our credits at the city college, our failed courses, as well as the results of the group combat test. Mm~. I think we should start properly considering our livelihood until the next test."

Sitting on Ye Cang's left was a big man in a tanktop with a crewcut named Zhang ZhengXiong. He had sculpted face with stalwart and manly features, an abnormally well built body, and tiger like eyes. It made people think he was a muscle head. Even though he was sitting, no one would doubt that he was at least 185cm tall. At this point, he nodded his head, casually looked at Ye Cang and said: "Bro, what's your plan?"

The one sitting on the right of Ye Cang was a very ordinary looking youth named Lin Le. He had a sort of 'eldest child from next door' impression. He had neat and tidy short hair except for one bundle that stuck up and would occasionally sway back and forth (ahoge). He was short, around 160cm if you were being generous. His gaze made him look smart but it had a little dullness to it too. Hearing what Ye Cang said, he indifferently shrugged and lightly nodded his head to signal them to continue.

Ye Cang slowly put both hands on the table, his fingers interweaved. He took a deep breath, played with his clean white eyebrows and said seriously: "Considering our classes, we have to repeat so many that we're screwed. We've also been disqualified from, our only hope, the group combat test. However! I still have a plan for our current situation. I merely regret is that recently I pretended to be Lele and gave his rich girlfriend a call asking her to provide for us and she refused. Therefore, it appears we have to use our Plan B: Find a part-time job to support us until the next group combat test."

Zhang ZhengXiong raised his head and felt something was wrong. He doubtfully pointed out: "Hey, bro. Wasn't our Plan B to let our younger siblings provide for us?"

"Brother Lil'Xiong, what does it mean to provide for us?" Lin Le who was also involved blinked his large eyes and expressed his puzzlement.

Ye Cang and Zhang ZhengXiong looked at each other and sighed. Ye Cang gave Lin Le a cold look and returned to the subject: "The next group combat test is in half a year. We need to make enough to live. So A'Xiong, you're responsible for pushing the fried cake cart. Lele, you set up a stall and sell roasted yams."

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