Chapter 6

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Chapter 6: Fluorescent Slime

Ye Cang bore the wound from the claw, and firmly nailed the wolf under him into the ground, killing it. Seeing that he didn't even have 6 health left, he laughed bitterly.

On the other side, because of Lin Le's help, the pressure on Zhang ZhengXiong reduced by a lot. He added more points into constitution than most people, allowing him to stand firm for so long. He bore three claw attacks and still retained a third of his health. He pushed away the wolf in front of him and cooperated with Lin Le to slay the one collapsed behind him. Then, the three of them cooperated to take down the third one, getting through this daunting experience without any skills.

If a normal player were in this situation, they would have panicked and been killed back to town. What's more, night time was the wolf type monster's paradise.

Lin Le reached out and searched one of the dead feral wolves and pulled out a sheepskin map covered in drool. "Brother Lil'White! I found something!"

Zhang ZhengXiong searched another one of the corpses: "Bro, I found a wolf tooth necklace!"

[Wolf Tooth Necklace (Common)]

Category: Necklace

Attack + 1

Ye Cang turned his head realising these feral wolves give pretty good loot. He looked at the wolf pinned under him and reached his hand out. The other two watched Ye Cang searching left and right and finally stood up and gave the feral wolf corpse two good kicks before continuing to search. He straightforwardly picked up the feral wolf corpse and shook it with all his strength, hoping something would fall out. Finally, he suddenly threw the wolf corpse to the ground and roared: "Fuck! This biased system!"

"..." Both Zhang ZhengXiong and Lin Le were speechless.

Ye Cang used his harvest skill on the 3 wolf corpses and got non-food materials: black feral wolf leather and teeth; as well as the cooking materials: feral wolf meat, heart and bone.

Feral Wolf Meat (Common): edible, has a heavy fishy smell.

Wolf Heart (Common): edible, fairly tasty.

Wolf Bone (Common): contains calcium.

"Let's quickly recover." Ye Cang took out his iron pot, lit a fire and started cooking green slime and mushroom stew. Zhang ZhengXiong and Lin Le weakly nodded. Taking advantage of the cooking fire, the three of them looked at the map. There was a compass in the middle to tell direction. The was an X mark southeast of town near a river on a pile of rocks.

"Bro, this should be where a treasure is buried!!" Zhang ZhengXiong looked at the sheepskin map and happily said.

"Wait till we finish the quest to find Jesse. We'll bring some shovels. Our first chance to make a fortune has come!!" Ye Cang nodded. Lin Le's ahoge excitedly swayed. As for the necklace, Ye Cang sneakily wore it.

At this moment, the stink from the pot arrived. It thoroughly quenched the three's excitement. Their scalps felt numb and despite having eating it three times already, they still felt horrified.

"Um, Bro, how about throwing in the wolf meat too. Maybe it'll taste a bit better..." Zhang ZhengXiong said looking at the lush green soup, nearly vomiting. Lin Le continuously nodded.

Ye Cang hurriedly pulled out some wolf meat (legs and ribs), a couple wolf bones, a wolf heart and threw them all in, stirring them with a stick. The original stink became even more severe, such that the three had difficulty even opening their eyes. They saw the pots content change from a lush green into a dark, inky green. It emitted a bubble that sounded like a feral wolf's whine.

"Congratulations, you completed a dark cooking recipe. Please name it. You receive 50 experience and cooking proficiency +5%."

Ye Cang stared blankly for a moment before saying: "Green Slime and Feral Wolf Stew."

[Green Slime and Feral Wolf Stew (Dark Cooking)]

While you're eating, heal 3 health every 5 seconds. Furthermore, gain 4 poison resistance and 1 strength but can cause nausea, discomfort and other side-effects.

PS: This is a simple and easy dark cooking recipe.

"Bro, are you sure we should eat this thing?" Zhang ZhengXiong asked timidly. Lin Le pointed at a wild boar and feral wolf that was approaching them. The three of them leaned over and watched as the wolf and boar got closer, smelled the product and turned heel running for their lives.

"..." The three of them stared blankly, turned back to look at the ink green stew, and shivered.

Ye Cang took a bowl and gave it to the vacantly staring Zhang ZhengXiong and Lin Le. He took a ladle and shakily poured himself a bowl. "The more bitter you eat, the more outstanding you will become!!"

The two had a burst of bravery after hearing Ye Cang's irrational speech. They clenched their teeth, poured themselves a bowl, and started painfully eating.

After the three healed up, they each stuck a finger in their mouth trying to throw it back up but they couldn't. Ye Cang put away the remaining half pot and looked at his haggard companions. "Let's continue forwards."

"Bro, I suddenly feel like the plan where I sell fried cakes and Lele sold baked yams sounds really good right now..." Zhang ZhengXiong murmured. Lin Le couldn't help by nod his head.

Ye Cang coldly roared: "You're really saying these ambitionless words!? We're already about to become professional gamers!!" The other two sighed. They lit another torch and continued onwards, leaving marks so they wouldn't lose their way.

Several hours of searching and they still turned up empty handed. The game had already become late night. Besides a pile of wolf meat, wolf skin, etc, the other things became a second dark cooking product. Despite adding mushrooms found in the forest, there was not much change.

"It should be that way!" Under the moonlight, among the shadows of trees, there was one that reached high into the sky. Ye Cang pointed and the three continued forwards.

"Why haven't we seen any slimes?" Lin Le asked.

"Don't mention those things, just thinking about it makes me sick. They probably aren't nocturnal creatures." Zhang ZhengXiong covered his mouth.

"Wait, there's something there!" Ye Cang stopped and and saw something glowing in the shrubbery on the left. Different front the torchlight, it had a warm fluorescent glow.

"A player?" Zhang ZhengXiong took the lead and the three of them approached.

"It's not a fire. It should be an animal or spirit or something..." Ye Cang signalled for them to surround it. "Lele, you go around the right side..."

Lin Le nodded and carefully went around the right to flank the creature.

Ye Cang went to the left and slowly raise his head, peeking over a large rock. A meter large slime radiating fluorescent light was eating the bush. He rubbed his eyes and looked again. "Slime?"

Fluorescent Slime (Rare Creature): A monster in the slime family. They are extremely rare and only occasionally come out to hunt at night.

"This one should taste better..." Zhang ZhengXiong slowly made his way over and waited for Ye Cang's signal.

Ye Cang slowly took out an arrow and readied his short bow, the bowstring stretched taut aiming at the slime. He let go: "Shoo!"

Perhaps because of it's danger sense, the slime moved. The arrow ended up hitting the fluorescent slime right in the eye, spurting out transparent liquids.

"Go!" Ye Cang shouted and dashed out somewhat grudgingly. The bow's power was still a bit lacking and it's speed a bit slow. The three people surrounded the slime in a triangle formation and drew closer.

"@#!%..." The fluorescent slime made an indescribably sound. It's big round eyes and body radiated even more light blinding the three as if they'd been hit by a flash bang. The surrounding forest was momentarily illuminated.


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