Liam and Corrine bonding time - Chapter 40!

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*Still on my phone, just warning you.* 

Link to their outfits! :


Cory's POV:

Harry grabbed my hand and led me into the bedroom. As soon as we got in there, I went over to my closet and dug out my black "Hooters" shorts and my Miami Heat shirt.

I never actually watched basketball, I just liked the name. Alex thought I was dumb for buying the shirt just for the sole fact of the name, but I didn't care. Miami Heat sounded cool.

I quickly got undressed and slipped them on. When I finished, I threw my hair in a messy bun. I crawled into bed next to Harry.

I turned and faced him. He was looking at me funny. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

He smiled. "I was thinking about you. I want to know more about you."

"Like what?" I laughed. It was kind of odd that he was asking me about this now.

He shrugged. "I'll ask you some questions and you can answer them." I nodded. "Favorite color?"

"Purple and Orange. I can't decide between the two."

"Favorite food?"



"One Direction." I answered honestly. What can I say? Their music was catchy.

"Really?" Harry smiled.

"Mhmm." I kissed him.

He laughed. "No distracting me. I still have more questions."

"Sorry." I giggled. "Carry on."

"Favorite type of jewelry?"

I glared at Harry. "Harold Edward Styles, I swear if you buy my something, I'll smack you."

"Why?" He pouted, puffing out his bottom lip.

I started to play with his necklace. "Because."

"Because why?"

"Harry, why are you even asking me these questions?" I laughed. "You could've asked Al. She knows me better than I know myself."

He thought about it for a minute. "Good point. I'll have to do that."

"I'm not a fancy girl, Harry." I admitted. "You could buy me a smiley face balloon or a coloring book and I'd be the happiest girl in the world, no lie."

He chuckled and kissed my forehead. "You're so cute."

I frowned. "I'm older than you." I stated matter-of-factly. "You can't call me cute."

"Of course I can." Harry said. "Especially because you act like you're ten."

I glared at him playfully and turned away from him. "Meanie!"

He snickered and wrapped his arm around my waist, yanking me into him so that we were spooning. He kissed the back of my neck, causing shivers to erupt from my body. He chuckled once again, knowing all too well what he did to me.

"Goodnight, meanie." I said in a childish manner.

"Goodnight, baby."


I woke up the next morning to the sound of Harry lightly snoring. I turned to face him and smiled to myself. He looked so sweet when he was sleeping. I gingerly placed a kiss on his cheek, prying his arms off of me, and got up.

I hopped into the shower real quick. In 10 minutes, I was done and walking into the bedroom. Harry wasn't in the bed anymore. I shut the door and walked over to the closet.

As I opened the doors, I felt arms snake around my waist. "You look good in just a towel." A voice said.

I leaned back, resting against him. I knew the voice belonged to Harry. I laughed. "Oh shush."

I quickly pulled on underwear underneath the towel and put on a bra. Harry seemed disappointed. I kissed him softly. "Not yet, babe."

He nodded. "I understand."

"Pick me out something to wear?" I asked, pulling him closer to my closet.

He sifted through my clothes, stoping on a Superman cut off that tied in the front and some red matching shorts. I slipped them on and borrowed Al's red converse.

Al came in, already dressed. She must've gotten ready while we were sleeping. She was wearing the "I made you cupcakes but I'z eating dem" shirt I bought her for Christmas and a pair of jean shorts, complete with her pink converse.

"Oh, good. You're up! Breakfast is ready!" She chirped happily.

"Yay!" Harry cheered.

He was about to go get some when she stopped him. "Nope. Go get ready for the day first."

Harry frowned. "But-"

"Not buts, Harold." Alex scolded, wagging a finger at him.

I laughed. She could be such a mom sometimes. Which is good, because I know she wants kids when she gets older.

Since I was already dressed, I walked into the kitchen and grabbed the plate Alex had already prepared for me. French toast and chopped up strawberries. Mmmmm.

I slid into the booth of the mini table and started to eat. Liam came strolling in, kissing Alex on the cheek, and sat down across from me.

I smiled at him. "Liam, what're you doing today?"

"Nothing." He shrugged. "We don't have an interview until 7 tonight."

"Want to go shopping for Alex's birthday presents?" I asked him as Alex turned around and glared at us.

"I would be happy with nothing, guys." She said. I knew it was a lie. Alex loved presents!

Liam laughed. "I would love to."

Liam and I finished up our breakfast and headed out the door. I wasn't quite sure where we were this week, but Liam seemed to have an idea, so I just let him lead.

He led us to a gigantic freaking mall. "This is massive!" I gasped.

"Yeah, it's pretty big." He chuckled, obviously more experienced in the traveling department.

He held out his arm for me to take. I gladly looped mine through it. Today was about our bestfriend/girlfriend.

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