The beginning

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I get in school around 8:20.When I was at school the other day he called me fat and ugly, I believed it for a while and started to stop eating for a bit but I just felt worse.sometimes I feel like I want to just sleep for ever so you can just be stuck in you dream so you don't have to wake up.Today at school I got a Cookie in my hair and at 3:10 josh put water down my clothes.  why can't he just leave me alone?What would you do if this was you? Would you let them treat you like shit and fight back cause trust me its hadder then it looks. If it wasn't hard there wouldn't be 'bullies' No n the dictionary. And if you say no I would want to down strawberry milkshakes and eat Ben and jerrys until I passout and when I do it will be 'ok' your not wrong but not right.its not good nor bad advise cause everyone is different   right?  WRONG? WE ARE ALL FUC*ING HUMANS SO WHY CAB I BE TREATED LIKE ONE AND NOT TREATED LIKE A DOG FOR ONCE.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2018 ⏰

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