At 3 o'clock, Precisely.

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I remember waking up at exactly 3 o'clock in the morning. As a young bairn newly introduced to the world, I just started my day. I grabbed my bike and hit the road. I was blithe, but started noticing there wasnt any people nor shops opened. It was eerily silent. The only thing I can hear was the sound of the cold breeze brushing the trees. The winds velocity started swifting as the darkness begins to swallow me. My heart started pounding and I briskly went back to my safest haven where I belong. Before I could reach our gate, I fell on the ground with great force. But It felt as if somebody shoved me. I looked at my arm and there was a handprint. I shivered with terror as I quickly dashed towards  the gate. Inenarrable fear that scarred me for life. I felt like someone was after me. Before I got in, I manage to look back. Someone wrangled our gates but there was no one there.

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2014 ⏰

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