Epilogue: Nine Years Later

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Picture of Eric Junior: https://78.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_n0p4kdESll1r6fkcfo1_1391894366_cover.jpg

Harmony's POV

Melody and Adrian did get together in the end & are now married. Adrian is a seahorse ranger and Melody is pregnant with their baby. Speaking of babies, turns out mum was pregnant during the whole Morgana incident. But my little brother was a fighter and was perfectly healthy when burn. Mum and dad named him Eric Triton, also known as Eric Junior. He looks just like dad except has mum's hair red hair like me and green tail. Whereas dad has a dark blue tail when he is turned into a merman.

Mum and dad are now the king & queen of our land home. Aunt Attina was suppose to be queen of Atlantica. But choose to step down as did my other aunts, leaving me as the next heir to the throne. Jim supported me in my decision to take the throne, but has chosen to remain a guard. So while I rule Atlantica he continued training to be the new captain of the guard.

We are going to marry after my coronation which is today. So we'd be married in a week and on our honeymoon while grandfather held the fort. Lee and Cleo also married & had a daughter called Anna. Now Cleo is pregnant with their second child and she is addimeant it was a boy. Anna looks just like her mother, but has her father's ears. She is two years old with a pale yellow tail with paler pink fins. Her parents own a shop in the market place were they make ornaments and jewelry.

Anyway back to my coronation, I sit as mum brushes my hair. Dad was outside looking after Eric Jr with grandfather. While Melody was with Adrian, Jim, Lee, Cleo and Anna. "I'm nervous mum" I tell her.

"You don't have to be, you'll make an amazing queen" she states.

"Especially with this" Grandfather states as he enters the room with a jewelry box.

"What is it?" I ask curious and he opens it revealing a beautiful purple shell on a golden chain.

"Isn't that mum's necklace?" mum asks smiling.

"Grandma Athena?" I say confused. I know of her, but no one talks about her much.

"Yes, I gave it to her when she became my queen. I believe she'd want you to have" grandfather explains. He puts it on and I look in the mirror. "You look more like her everyday, even more then you mother" he states smiling.

"I'll wear it with pride" I tell him smiling.

"Good, now the coronation is about to start" he states leaving the room. Mum gives me a smile kissing my forehead before leaving. I take a deep breath and head to the double doors. The trumpets sound and the doors open. I swim and on the throne as grandfather swims forward. I see my aunts, their spouses, kids, my parents, sister, fiance and friends all in the front row.

"Will you solemnly promise and swear to govern the people of Atlantica, and the dominions there to belonging, according to laws and customs of your fore-bearers?" grandfather asks me.

"I solemnly promise so to do" I tell him for all to hear as I hold the golden sphere and trident.

"Will you to your power cause law and justice in mercy to be executed in all your judgements?" he asks.

"I will" I state firmly.

"Will you to the utmost of your power maintain the laws of Poseidon, the true lord of the gospel and the Atlantian reformed religion established by law, and will you preserve unto the people of this Realm, all such rights and privileges as by law do or shall appertain unto them, or any of them?" he asks.

"To all of this I promise" I say bowing my head as he places a crown there and I raise from the throne swimming forward.

"Now presenting Queen Harmony Ariel Seeley of Atlantica" Sebastian announces and everyone claps before bowing to me. I am now the queen of Atlantica as I feel power surge through me.

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