
42 13 9

June 12th, 2015
Diva Boutique
Fairview, Pennsylvania

"And next he got mad that my dress was so expensive. I haven't spoken to him for a whole day. He can't ruin my things and later act like nothing happened." Karina searched through each rack carefully while she ranted at Veronica, "I only want to look good, and that comes with a price, right?"

She glanced around to see Vee leaning against a wall, lost in her thoughts, "Hey, are you even listening to me? What's the point of having a best friend if you can't rant and bitch about your spouse?" She waved her hand in front of her friend's face.

Vee shook herself out of the spell she was under, "You are right. He should feel bad for destroying one of your favourite dresses. I'm just a little off my game today, I guess," she pushed off the wall, "Neil was almost hit by a bus yesterday."

Karina stopped searching the rack of clothing and turned to Vee, "That's awful, is everything okay?"

Veronica took a tag maker and started punching price markers through the tags of the clothes. "Everyone is fine. I think. Have I ever told you the story of how I met Neil?"

Karina shook her head and moved close to the chair that Veronica had sat in, "No. You haven't, was it love at first sight? Did he sweep you off your feet with his charm and pockets full of money?"

Veronica smiled, "No. It was much more eventful than that," she grabbed her bottle of water from the counter next to her, "He was vacationing with his family in Austria. My father sent me to the resort as a nice way of saying, get out my hair. He had just remarried for the fourth time, and there was nowhere for me to go. So by some funny luck, we ended up at the same resort."

She shook her head, even retelling it for the hundredth time she couldn't believe it. "He was heading out to the hill one morning, and he tripped at the top of the stairs. I was at the bottom and was his saving grace, as the only thing between him and the wood railing."

There was a chilling silence. Veronica believed in fate, but their story was something else.

"That is incredible. How long ago was that?"

"I was seven, so about sixteen years ago."

Karina scrunched her nose for a second and opened her mouth to speak but quickly stopped and turned away.

"What were you going to say?"

She turned to face her friend, "You haven't been together for that whole time, though, right? You've only been married for two years."

Vee took another drink of her water and looked up to see a customer walk into the store, "I have to assist this customer, I'll tell you about it later. Don't you have a lunch date with the husband you're currently not speaking to?"

Her comment was met with an eye roll, "Yes. And I hope he doesn't think buying me lunch at some three-star cafe is going to make me forgive him because it's not." Karina picked up her coffee cup and purse, "I'll see you later. I want all the details as soon as you get off work." She waved and blew a kiss before exiting the store.

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