one || gallimaufry

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gallimaufry : a confusing jumble or medley of things

She felt overwhelmed and confused as she got ready that morning in the motel room. She had been in shambles for days and could not keep her thoughts straight. She had her first fall season regular season game with Utah Royals FC in the middle of April, so things in Utah had been non-stop she had not been able to process what had been going on around her. Now, after requesting a few days off because of a personal matter, she was standing in front of the floor length mirror in her hotel room in a black mid-thigh length dress and a pair of matte black heels. She had straightened her naturally golden, curly hair and pinned it back, and wore minimal makeup for the ceremony.

She made sure she had everything as she left the motel room to get into the back of the Uber that was waiting outside. She put her room key into her clutch and left the hotel room, making sure she had her pass to get into the building. The ceremony was being held where most of the US Military Ceremonies were being held, which was a highly secured building that not many people had access to. In order to get in, she needed that pass. 

Her Uber dropped her off at the entrance and she made her way inside, people kind of acknowledging her arrival as she made her way through the crowd. There was not a large crowd due to the location, but she made her way to her reserved in the front row next to Antonio's parents. She had not seen them since he had first went to boot camp. That was two, almost three years ago. Tears welled up in her eyes as they stood to greet her. Mr. Rivera's had grayed slightly, but Mrs. Rivera looked as if she was still in her late twenties, early thirties. 

"It's been too long, Georgia Jacobson." Mr. Rivera said to her as the three of them sat down as the room began to fill. The ceremony was about to begin.

"I know, I am sorry I haven't been in touch, but I am back in the States now, and I promise to keep in touch more." She responded with a smile. They caught up with each other for a few more minutes, but then a hush fell over the crowd. People filled the platform in front of them, and the next thing she knew, there was Antonio Rivera, taking a seat beside the most important man in America: The President of the United States. Then, she watched as the love of her life received a Medal of Honor for his service in the Resolute Support location bombing.


"When is your first game with Utah?" Antonio asked as they laid on the bed in her motel room. They had gotten back to the motel after the ceremony was over, and they had not moved since. His parents had to catch a flight back to Portland after the ceremony, so it was just the two of them.

"In a week. Thursday is our first home game against North Carolina Courage. It'll be a test, but I'm sure we'll do fine." Georgia responded, resting her head against his shoulder and tracing circles on his chest. They were both still wearing what they had worn to the ceremony, both of them too exhausted to change. It was just a wonderful feeling to be in each other's arms once again. 

"Well I think you guys are going to kick ass this season, and I can't wait to watch it all." He responded, wrapping his arms tighter around her torso and shoulders. She released a sigh as she listened to his heart thud in his chest. 

"You're going to come to Utah?" She asked, looking up to him. Her chin rested on his chest as he took a deep breath and exhaled slowly, looking down to her. 

"For a little while, yeah, but..." He started, and this caused her to break free from his grasp and prop herself up on her elbow. 

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