twenty || dwaal

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dwaal : a dreamy, dazed, or absent-minded state  

When she finally came to, flowers had started to line her room. A monitor beeped softly in her ear, telling her her heartbeat was regular. Her vision was blurry, but she saw three bodies in the room through her haze. One of those bodies was sitting right next to her, their hand in hers. With no recollection of what had happened, she closed her eyes to try and remember, but did not recall why she was laying in what appeared to be a hospital bed. She was supposed to be at her parent's house for early Christmas since she worked all week, but it hurt to move. Did she have surgery? If she did, what for? Questions continued to race through her mind as she opened her eyes again, this time the images around her a little clearer. The three bodies remained unmoving, and she assumed they were asleep. She closed her eyes again, taking a deep breath in then exhaling, the entire process putting her in agony. She let off a soft grunt, and she felt the weight on the bed shift. Her brows scrunched up in pain, and whoever was holding her hand squeezed lightly. She squeezed back, finally opening her eyes again. This time, green eyes were staring clearly back at her, and she looked around the room, finally able to make out her parents being asleep on chairs that she assumed the hospital provided for them. She looked back to the excited and relieved green eyes that she found glorious. Tears came to her eyes as she finally realized who was sitting next to her, and she heard the heart monitor start to beep a little quicker.

"Relax, GJ. Stay calm. You've been through a lot." Antonio said softly to her, making circles on the back of her hand with his thumb. She gave off a weak smile.

"What are you doing here? What am I doing here?" Georgia questioned, looking around the room. "My body hurts like hell." She grunted, and he chuckled at her.

"It should. You were in a serious car accident and your spleen ruptured. They had to so a splenectomy." He explained to her, and she felt tears come to her eyes again.

"I don't have a spleen anymore?" She asked, and he shook his head. "Why the hell would they take my spleen?" She asked angrily.

"To sacrifice it to the Gods." He answered playfully, but she was still loopy off the medication, and she gasped.

"No, they didn't! They can't do that!" Georgia gaped at him, waving her finger. He had pulled out his phone at this point, realizing how much he could mess with her at that moment.

"Oh yes they can. They took your spleen and gave it away." He assured, and she laid her head back on the pillow in defeat.

"Those bastards." She muttered, crossing her arms loosely across her chest.

"Get some rest, okay? I'm going to go get the nurse so she can check on you." He said with a laugh, standing up and planting a light kiss on her forehead. He left the room, then came back with a few doctors. By now her parents had woken up and were standing to the side of the room with Antonio while the doctors made sure everything was alright.

"By the way, she thinks you guys sacrificed her spleen to the Gods." Antonio whispered into the general surgeon's ear, and she laughed.

"Let's see where this goes." She muttered, then turned to one of the other doctor's present in the room.

"Georgia Jacobson, twenty-one years old. One day post-op from a splenectomy." The young doctor reported, and the surgeon took over.

"Good morning Georgia, I'm Dr. Rodriguez. How are you feeling?" She greeted with a smile, and Georgia frowned.

"You took my spleen and gave it to the Gods." She answered angrily, then she switched subjects. "Amy? I didn't know you were a doctor!" She said with the biggest grin on her face. Dr. Rodriguez looked to Antonio for an answer.

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