The party

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Mabel POV
I'm gonna tell her! I'm gonna tell her! I'm definitely gonna tell her at the party tonight! My face was filled with determination as I waited for Dipper to finish getting dressed. I knew we were gonna leave gravity falls and go back home but I didn't want any regrets so I felt like this was as good as any other time to confess my feelings to the gorgeous blonde.

Dipper was taking longer than usual so I decided to yelled at him to hurry up so we wouldn't be late ,even though I knew that wasn't going make a difference. "Honestly you take longer than me to get ready, and I'm the girl in this family!" I knew Dipper had an inferiority complex and that my sudden attack on his ego would make him pick up the pace. Finally I hear footsteps rushing down the stairs and a dorky voice, "Alright I'm done, you happy?" Dipper was suited in all black with an unbuttoned white polo shirt neatly tucked in underneath. However, he only looked suitable for the party up to his head which was covered by his signature blue and white pine tree cap. "Dip you know you can't go to a fancy party, in a fancy suit and show up with a souvenir hat from the mystery shack." His left brow raised and a grin was plastered in his face, "Oh so I can't wear my favourite hat, that our great uncle Stan generously gave to us, to the party but you can waltz up there with a glue gun attached to that ridiculous fluffy pink uh... dress?" A hint of snark was heard somewhere in my brother's words towards me and I suddenly felt my face flush with heat as I defended the way I presented myself. We argued quite a bit before he agreed to leave the hat and we both gave up on the glue gun that remained attached to my original home made dress. We called out to our gruncle that we were heading off and we both made our way to the Northwest Mansion.

When we finally arrived the party was already in full swing, I couldn't see Pacifica anywhere but I did manage to find Candy and Grenda both dressed lovely for the occasion. Candy wore a long turquoise dress, hair down and her adorable glasses while Grenda wore a golden knee-length dress with matching golden heels and her hair tied into a high ponytail. "Looking pretty fine gurls!" I winked at my two friends and we all shared a giggle catching some disgusted glances. Geez I guess it is true that suck ups are too stuck up their own ass to have any fun.

Dipper had parted to go towards the food fest or I suppose that's where he went. Neither did I see Pacifica through out most of the night, which was odd because normally she would be forced to follow her good for nothing parents wherever they pleased. That was the only reason she had to act mean and rude towards us, deep down she was really nice and cared about us. She had an insanely cute side of her that I would never of known about if she kept up with what her parents wanted. I guess that was what was making me fall for the girl, and I'm still falling for her. Hard. Who knew that my experiences at gravity falls would make me realise I wasn't straight.

The party wasn't a total waste though, I got to spend time with my girls and party it up like there was no tomorrow. Still I had a goal to achieve and nothing was gonna stop me. It was almost midnight, both Candy and Grenda had already left the party. It was getting pretty boring being by myself, so I decided to look for Dipper since it was clear that I wouldn't be able to find the one I came here for. I didn't know where she could be, after all she did have the whole mansion to hide in but Dipper wouldn't be allowed to go anywhere apart from the hall we were currently in. I thought I could find him, grab him and go. I checked the whole hall but no sign of my younger twin, I wandered over to the place where I primarily thought he would be; the food court. I slumped into the table and poured myself a glass of what I thought was punch and took a long sip. I tasted slightly bitter but I continued to gulp it down.

I started to feel slightly dizzy after the 7th glass and I noticed a door in the corner of the room. It was only a singular door, not like the other double doors that lead to other huge rooms. It was being covered up by a sign and by the looks of the dust that had accumulated in that area no one had been using that room for a while.  My vision was already blurring and my balance was completely off. My head ached and I felt dizzy, still something in my gut urged me closer to that door in a way that I couldn't look away. As I dragged my feet across the ground and slowly inched closer I could make out the sounds of two familiar voices. I finally reached the door and placed my ear onto it. It was Dipper and Pacifica. I could hear sobbing and my hand carefully turned the handle, not to make a sound but was cut short. It wouldn't move any further, it was locked. The sounds abruptly ceased and for some reason my stomach turned. I needed to know what was going on in there. There weren't any windows in the door so my last option was to peer through the key hole. And satisfy the knot in my stomach that had formed.

I lead my eye to the hole and as my eyes adjusted to the darkness in the room, I was able to identify the faces that matched the voice I heard. With my vision still blurry I started squinting to see why they were so close and why they stopped talking. My heart shattered into a million tiny fragments, my eyes grew wide, my pupils shrank to the size of a grain of rice. My mouth was agape and tears pricked at my eyes, but I wouldn't cry. Not here. I thought Dipper liked Wendy. SO WHY?! WHY IS HE KISSING PACIFICA!!! I couldn't hold it in any longer. I rushed out of that place as fast as I could, but even so a tear had already forced its way down my cheek.

I kept running. Further and further into the forest. I didn't know where I was going. I didn't care. My face was an endless waterfall of tears. My breathing increased so much my lungs felt like they were going to explode. My legs were sore and cut by brambles. I wanted to stop. I didn't know how long I was running for. I knew I couldn't look back. The forest was a dangerous place to be in especially at night, but being near my brother and Pacifica would be an even more dangerous place.

I tripped over a rock that flung me over a small hill, more cuts and bruises were applied to the rest of my body as I rolled down. I just laid there. My fluffy pink outfit damp and covered in mud, twigs sticking out of it and the glue gun was ripped off hanging by a branch near the top of the hill I just fell down on. My breathing slowed but the tears didn't stop flowing. I was shaking. I didn't know wether it was from the amount of pain I was in from the fall or the amount of emotion pain my heart took. Either way I didn't want to get up. Dipper was probably back at the shack by now. The memory shot back into my mind and I clenched my eyes shut. There was no use anymore. Dipper and Pacifica are together. I was just about to give up on making my way back to the shack when the area was suddenly doused in light. Another familiar voice was calling out to me. "Mabel? Mabel! ... hold on! ... I'll ge ... back safe..." I was just able to force my eye lids to crack open even if just a bit and saw locks of fair red hair. I felt the warmth of two arms cradle me and gently place me down and I heard the sound of an engine roaring into gear, only to softly fade away as my consciousness did the same. I somehow managed to turn my head and face the one frantically driving me off to what I heard was someplace safe. It was Wendy. I felt the corners of my lips tug upwards slightly and everything went dark.
Heyo author here, I'll try to update as frequent as possible, it's a new year and a resolution of mine is to actually finish a story on wattpad an not just leave it halfway through. I'm gonna try to update weekly so if I miss an update someone slap me.
I know, I know. There are mistakes of grammar and punctuation, please put up with us and don't kill me, english is not my first language and I'm currently not fluent in anything. Even so I hope you enjoy reading this fanfic.

See ya on the next update,

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