Question Number 2 💙 [18+]

46 5 9

GalacticNovanianC asked:

*gets slapped*
Uhm, how did you find Kumajiro?~

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"I met Kuma at the pet store and I just had to have him! I already had two dogs at this point, but when I met him he was whistling the Zelda theme song and I knew it was fate. Plus he was the prettiest bird there so I knew he would be scooped up in an instant. I acted on a split second decision, but I don't regret it at all. Even if my house is like a Zoo." Matthew smiled fond of the memory on how he came across his pet bird.

"Also, if you really must know what some of my kinks are, I'll share a few." He said his cheeks a light red. "I like the usual things I suppose, like hair pulling, hickeys, being bitten, being tied up, blindfolded, and being degraded by my partner. I guess some things that aren't as normal that I like are things like, Master/Pet, being denied the right to cum, being spanked. In the bed room I usually prefer to be dominated, but I can just as easily dominant if I'm in the mood. I'm not nice when I'm in charge though." He said blushing darkly now. "I wouldn't want to do any of this if my partner wasn't willing to stick around for the aftercare part though. So I guess after care is my biggest kink." He giggled lightly. "I hope that's what you wanted to know. "

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