Chapter 3

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Steve walked into the living room, when the team started yelling at him. "What the hell are you doing!?" Tony asked the soldier. "I'm taking care of a boy in need" Steve said confidently.  The team just stared at him like he's crazy, until Bruce spoke up. "He's a little, isn't he?" The scientist asked. Steve smiled at him, glad that someone on the team understands. "Yes, he is a little. That's why I am helping him. He's too little to be spending his life in a prison". Steve vocalized everything he was feeling. Bruce nodded his head understanding everything Steve was saying. Tony of course was still very confused, until Bruce explained everything to everyone. "A little is someone who goes into a childlike headspace where they can watch cartoons and play, use pacifiers and bottles, sometimes even diapers. Some people do it because they want to or it could be due to stress, anxiety, depression, really anything could trigger it. Loki is doing it most likely because of family problems". The entire team just looked like they were told that Bigfoot was real. Bucky spoke up saying that he's heard of it and someone in his unit was into it when they were in the military. Everyone seemed to accept it and they even volunteered to help Steve when he needed it. Thor finally spoke. "What do you mean by 'it could be because of family problems'? What happened?" Thor asked concerned. Steve decided to tell Thor about what happened during the bath. Thor was hurt by what Steve had said, how could their father not treat Loki right? Bruce told the two that they'd be better off talking it out when Loki was big again. The two men agreed and said their goodnights to each other.

When Loki woke up, he knew he was big again. Which meant that he would probably have to go back to his cell. He didn't want to go back, but he knew he probably didn't have a choice in the matter. So he decided to stay in bed for as long as he could, so he could at least enjoy it for a while. Steve noticed Loki stir, so he walked over to him. When Loki noticed his presence, he cried out. Steve knew he was big again, but he didn't know what was wrong. "Please don't hurt me! I promise I won't touch anything" Loki cried. Steve didn't know what to do. Why would Loki think he'd hurt him? "It's okay Loki, I won't hurt you. Are you okay? What's wrong?" Steve asked. Loki smiled a bit, knowing that Steve wasn't planning on harming him. "I don't want to go back to that cell. The people make fun of me there" Loki spoke truthfully. Steve chuckled at how distressed Loki was over nothing. "Come with me to the living room, we have a lot to discuss" Steve said, putting his hand out for Loki. Loki took his hand and walked with him. When they got to the living room, they sat down with the rest of the avengers.

Loki was a little scared, but Steve squeezed his hand in reassurance. Bruce spoke first "Is there anything that your parents did to you that makes you want to be little?". That was a very personal question that he was afraid to answer. Steve noticed his stress and informed him that it was okay, so Loki spoke. "My father never really loved me like he loves Thor. I always showered in cold water because he told me that I didn't deserve hot water. I didn't get to eat if we didn't have enough food. I always came second to him and no one even noticed, that or they didn't want to help. And to make it worse, I was adopted. I'm half frost giant. My parents aren't even my real parents. I don't belong to anyone".  Steve saw how sad Loki got talking about all of that, so he hugged him. Loki hugged him back, grateful for him. Bruce knew that he had told them that he's little because of his dad, without really saying it. Thor on the other hand was furious. He had just heard his brother say that he was abused by their father. He had no idea that was happening. "Did father really do all of that?" Thor asked him. "Yes" Loki replied. "Are you really adopted?" Thor asked again. "Yes" said Loki. Thor was saddened by this. He could tell that Loki was upset by all of this talk about their father. So Thor hugged him and Loki surprisingly hugged back. Then Thor had one more question, a question that broke Loki. "So mother isn't really your mother?" Thor asked. "No Thor. Mother is not really my mother. I don't have a mother. The only person who has always been there for me isn't even my family" Loki replied quickly. Thor realized his mistake and backed away. Steve picked Loki up and sat him on his lap, cradling him. Loki just say there silently, staring off into space. The team knew that they wouldn't get anything else out of him today, so they too left the room. Steve was about to take Loki back to their room, when Loki spoke again. "That's why I attacked New York you know. Because I had just found out that I didn't really have a mother". Steve felt bad for Loki and held him tighter as he carried him into the room. Steve told Loki that he would go and get some food, while he read his book that Steve still didn't know what was about. Loki agreed to those plans and smiled at Steve as he left to get the food. Loki knew he was taking quite a liking to Steve and it kinda scared him. The last person he trusted ended up being a total stranger to him. He'll just have to trust himself and the people he's with. He'll have to trust Steve.

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