Chapter 6

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Bucky was sitting on the couch when Loki sat down next to him. "What's up buddy?" Bucky asked the boy. "Nothin much, just sittin" replied Loki. Bucky chuckled and sat closer to the boy. Loki noticed him move over and stared at him. "Are you little honey?" Bucky asked him. "Uh huh" Loki said, nodding his head. Bucky laughed and asked the boy what he wanted to do. Loki shrugged, not knowing what to say. He's never gotten to play with someone before, other than the fights with Thor. Bucky suggested that they could color, making Loki squeal with excitement. "Yes please!" Yelled the god. Bucky grabbed the coloring books and sat them on the floor. "Pick whichever one you want to" said the soldier. Loki looked through the books, until he found one he really liked. Loki picked up the Captain America book and started coloring. Bucky found this very endearing and smiled at the boy. "Ooo who are you coloring buddy?" Bucky asked. "I'm coloring daddy silly" replied the young boy. Bucky couldn't help but aww at his statement. The two continued to color until lunch.

Steve walked over and picked up Loki, telling him it's time for lunch. Loki didn't mind the sudden interruption, knowing that it wasn't a bad thing. Steve sat him in his chair and started to make his plate. When Loki saw what Steve had made, he beamed up at him. He had made Loki mac & cheese with chicken fingers. Loki loved mac & cheese. Steve knew that the boy was happy, as he sat in his own seat. Loki finished up his food when he noticed that Steve was busy talking. He got sad that no one was giving him attention, and Natasha noticed that. Nat kneeled in front of Loki to talk to him. "What's wrong sweetie?" She asked him. "I miss daddy's attention" Loki replied pouting. Nat couldn't help giggling at the god's minor problem. When Steve walked to the sink to clean his and Loki's dishes, Natasha told him about Loki's issue. Steve smiled at his baby when he heard how much Loki wanted him. Loki loved the attention Steve gave him, which is why he missed it so badly. Steve picked up his little and took him to their room. When Steve sat Loki on the bed, the boy cuddled into his cat stuffie and his Bucky Bear. Steve noticed this out of the corner of his eye, smirking. Steve was doing it right. He was actually helping Loki be better. The soldier loved Loki and he loved how much he needed him. Steve later in bed, cuddling Loki. Loki slowly drifted off to sleep with his Bucky Bear, Captain paci, and most importantly his daddy.

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