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Glass. So fragile and beautiful, yet simple. Some take it for granted, a means to hold your drink or to see a view through. Others see the intricate design, the hard work and toil needed to create such a beautiful object. The thing about glass is, it takes time to make: time to design, to mold, to set, to sell and it takes a matter of seconds to shatter it. One misjudged move, one slip of the wrist and all that hard work is a million shards on the floor, and what use is then? Nobody wants anything that's broken. They want things that are whole, perfect, pure. Nobody wants shattered glass, a broken masterpiece. Nobody would want a shattered soul.


Hey! An update!! Hopefully more soon. I only wrote this because its half midnight and I can't sleep. This chapter was basically a metaphor for how Laura feels like she is shattered and useless... So yeah... Please vote and comment so I can make more ;) love you all <3

~S x

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