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When the darkness can't swallow you and wisp you away to a world of your own you're forced to sit in silence
The world seems to be asleep around you while your breathing disrupts it
Awake and alone in a place with no distractions to help the fear that you might disrupt the ones in peace
Only your thoughts can wisp you away to place that's memorable or fearful
When the world around you is silent but your head is screaming at you to get a grip of yourself
Your heart pounds in your ears and it soon gets too hot to handle
Senses are alert in the worst ways possible you sink into what you lay on and everything feels heavy
Feeling like a fish out of water it's hard to breathe and only gasps can satisfy your need
If you lay there Any longer you feel as if you're going to tear yourself apart from the unbearable feelings around you
You sit up but your throat feels as if it's slit with a knife
Your heartbeat becomes louder in your ears as you refuse to lay down and your ears start to ring
You go through pain surging in your body as if on deaths door
Time seems to stop in its place and taking you with it pulling you down to a resting position
Giving up but still feeling the pain of torture from the world on you
It holds you down to suffer where the only sign of you living is the heavy breaths you take and a shift of weight
Pain in your head, chest, and throat consumes you to darkness
The fight with yourself for sleep The fight with yourself for relief The fight that make the voices in your head silence with the word around it till you finally lose

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