Chapter 5

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Okay, before you read this chapter you probably want to re-read. I have covered some plot holes... THOUGHTS ARE SLANTED AND CONVERSATION BETWEEN ELIZABETH AND CREST IS BOLD AND SLANTED

"Hello?" A surprised Elizabeth turned around immediately at the greeting that had caught her off guard. Crest had already turned back into a sword without her visitor noticing. Her "visitor" was her own sister, Lara. The young girl had seemed to have gotten herself lost after wandering around. Tear tracks stained little Lara's cheeks, and she looked really scared. Elizabeth scanned the girl's appearance. Her shoulder-length hair was down, and she was wearing a cute purple dress.

"Yes? What is your business in this part of the Avalot home?" Elizabeth replied. In an attempt to sooth the little child in front of her, she tried to comfort her. "Don't cry. Are you lost? I can help you, that is if you are willing to trust me." The little girl sniffled.

"Oh please help me! Mother had tried to dress me up for a tea party that she would be attending and decided to being me along. I wanted to continue reading my book, so I ran from her when she wasn't looking. Now I'm lost!" Lara recounted her story and began sobbing even more. Elizabeth sighed and mustered up a smile.

"Okay. But before I help you. What is your name?" Of course, she already knew, but it's common courtesy to tell someone who you randomly ask for help your name.

"M-my name is Lara Millisent Avelot. I'm the daughter of Harriet Mellisent Avalot, and Arches Iother Avalot, part of the noble house of Avalot. I'm 6 years old. Nice to meet you! Who are you?" She asked and ended with a cute curtsy. Elizabeth sighed heavily. I know I'm her sister, but... ah, I know. 

She smirked, "Well, how about your parents tell you that? I'm sure they would be happy to do so. All you need to know at the moment is that my name is Elizabeth, it's a pleasure to meet you." She said. That is, of course, if they even know.  The young child in front of her looked confused but nodded her head instead. I can change her, she won't become a bratty child in the future if I'm there. At least, I hope. "Come along now. Keep close to me. I will lead you towards your room." Little Lara didn't even ask how she was supposed to know where her room was. This poor child. She could get kidnapped and wouldn't even know. Elizabeth thought. Elizabeth quickly picked up Crest and walked out of the door. Stopping a bit so that the child would begin following her. The part of the mansion where she lived was the most uncared for. No maids were visible on their way to Lara's room.

"Hey, miss, um, why do I see no maids here? I thought maids were everywere!" I'm the exact same age you are! I'm not a miss!  Shaking her head slightly, she gave Lara a short answer. 

"As you have noticed. This part of your home seems different, abandoned." She stopped talking and glanced to the cracked dirty walls. The floor was unswept, and there was barely any furniture that didn't have a coat of dust covering it. "No maids here." She quickened her pace. She walked out of the abandoned building she lived in. It was still somewhat part of the mansion. It was to the east of the greenhouse, and just a short walk to the main house. "So tell me Lara, how did you get from the main house, to the outside abandoned courtyard, to an abandoned building?" Elizabeth asked.

"Well, I really did not want to go to the tea party. All those nobles are annoying." Lara muttered. Elizabeth stifled a laugh with her hand. I really like this sister of mind. Why did they ruin her? Such a pity. Lara continued, "Do you mind if I call you Eliza? It's much easier to say." 

"Of course." They continued their walk in silence. Crest had begun talking in Elizabeth's mind.


Don't call me that.


Not that


That's better

How do you feel about meeting your parents?

Oh you know, like I want to absolutely destroy them. But I'll take mercy on them because I like Lara. A bit of mercy. Just a bit. I'll make them regret pushing me away.

The conversation ended there, and she noticed that they had arrived to the main house. "So Lara, I think you should go to your parents first. They must be worried sick that you disappeared, and might comply with whatever you ask because they were so worried." Or they could do the complete opposite and force you to go even more. Lara just nodded and followed her. Not even questioning how she knew where they were. There was a drastic difference between Elizabeth's home and the main house. The mansion was squeaky clean, and there was large chandeliers in almost every room. The floors were completely white, and the walls were built out of quarts. She smiled bitterly, and sighed for the hundredth time that day. Their steps were clearly audible, and they hadn't been walking for more than 2 minutes when a maid spotted Lara and cried out in relief.

"Oh Miss! We've been worried sick! Your parents ordered everyone to look for you! Come along now, we better report to them!"

"Fine, but Elizabeth" She stopped and motioned to me, "-has to come along with me, too. Without her I would have been completely lost." The maid just glanced at me and nodded quickly. Lara took my hand and pulled me along behind the maid. Everyone who saw Lara looked relieved, but a look of confusion went over their faces once they saw me. We walked for a couple minutes through long hallways. Then, she stopped right in front of a wooden door. It looked like every other door that we saw... But I knew that this was my father's office. She knocked on the wooden door, and a gruff voice answered. "Come in." The maid turned the knob and slowly pushed the door open. 


Cliffhanger! Yes, no? Eh ehhhh?

And yes, she does have her demon horns hidden through all of this. She always ALWAYS has them hidden unless I mention that she lets them appear. 

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