Oh shit

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Tyler's POV
"Where the fuck is she?!" I yelled at my guard. "She went out with Ben." My guard stuttered. "Why didn't you stop her." I asked. " I thought she could go since you didn't say she couldn't."
That was true  I didn't say she couldn't go...WAIT SHE'S WITH BEN!!! She could have went with a girl but no it just had to be a male. That's when I start picking up things and throwing them.

( Tyler is a drama Queen that overreacts.)

Summer's POV
"What are you doing?!" I yell at Tyler.
He looks at me and Ben with black eyes.
That's when I noticed Ben took my hand. I'm guessing he doesn't want me to get hurt. When Tyler sees this his eyes turn gold.that means his wolf was in control. Ben pulls me behind him. " Don't move." Ben says. " okay" I reply.
"Hey Tay"
"Where have y'all been"
"We went to get some food"
"Yeah that's all we did" I say to Tyler
I looked around to see who the hell he was yelling at. I might be pregnant but that doesn't mean I won't kick some ass.
"Who you talking to?"
Tyler starts to walk over to me and Ben. Ben stops him and pulls me close to him.
"You need to calm down first."
" I'm the alpha here."
" i kno-"
Tyler says in his alpha voice. I flinch and Ben lets go. He has no choice he was designed to listen to the alpha.
"Come here summer."
I slowly walk over to him. He grabs my wrists roughly and drags me to the bedroom. "What the hell summer I told you I was coming back you were suppose to stay in the house"
"You told me you was coming back yeah but I don't have to stay in this house if I don't want to. I didn't have to agree to come back in this house and let you be in my child's life. And I'm not marked yet so I should be able to do what I want to do" I replied Tyler's grip on my wrists increased. I whimpered. Tyler's eyes turned gold.
"You are my mate like it or not. When I say I will be coming back that means don't leave the fucking house without telling me." Tyler's grip on my wrists makes me start crying. Even though I didn't want to cry It hurts so bad.
"LET GO OF ME!" I scream
" Don't speak to me like that!" Tyler says with gold colored eyes.
"I HATE YOU!" I shouted. Before I knew it I was on the floor and I felt a sting on my cheek. As a instinct I put my hand on my cheek.tears start flowing from my eyes. I get up and "run" out of the door when I do I bump into someone.
"Are you okay?"
"Yes,sorry about that"
"My name is Emily come follow me"
I followed her. I know it was stupid but I just needed to get away.
"What's your name" she asked when we got inside a room.
"Summer" I whisper
"As in Summer banks the Luna"
"So your with my brother"
"Tyler is your brother?"
"Yeah I guess he hasn't told you about me. I moved here a couple of days ago because I finished college. Not to be nosy but what happened to you?" Emily asked me. I felt like I could trust her.
"Tyler and I got into a argument and he hit me now I'm planning to run away"
" HE DID WHAT!!" Emily yelled eyes turning gold. She walks out of the room and in a few minutes she comes back with my clothes In a suit case.
"Me and you are going to go to my friends house and we are going to live there okay."
She said to me. All I did was nod my head.we got it the car and drove to her friends house.
Just letting you know there is going to be a time jump in the next chapter.

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