Am I falling for another man?

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Chapter 3:

"Okay Tao, come over here, time to get your photos done with", a old looking man shouts, most likely the photography director

"I'll be right there!" Tao shouts

He puts his arm around my and leans over to my height "Are you going to be aright by yourself babe?"

"Don't worry about me Tao, worry more about yourself. You wouldn't want a bad photo of you to be published would you?" I inquisitively ask

"Oh hell no! I'd rather tortured and roasted alive!" He says as he gives me a peck on the cheek

Knowing he had a ton of lipstick on, I take out my compact mirror to wipe off his lip guess he's officially the girl in our relationship.

"checking yourself out again?" I hear a voice behind me say

" Again? I already know how good I look, I'm only wiping off a stain" I respond jokingly

I turn around to see who was talking to me, and sure enough looming over me was Sehun.

He rolls his eyes and laughs, "haha good looking? Okay, I'd probably say decent at most"

I think to myself, wow how rude of him, unless he's just joking with me...maybe this is his way of flirting?

I see him smirk as he says "don't take it to heart (Y/N)-ssi, I'm just playing with ya"

I hit him lightly on the shoulder, " well you're one to judge, you aint THAT good looking yourself"

He raises an eyebrow and smiles "by the way you look at me sometimes, I don't know, I'd make me believe that I a pretty attractive guy."

He's such a narcissus, this guy. Thinking back at it though, does he really notice me gawk at him from time to time?

I change the subject, "hey did you finish all that bubble tea I bought for everyone?"

Sehun responds, " I only drank like, 10 cups....(y/n)-ssi do you want to get some more drinks of everyone? I feel kinda bad now."

" can I come with you guys too? I'm so bored right now" Kris suddenly says, and apparently he was sitted right beside us, probably listening our conversation

Sehun looks over at him and gives him a glare " I think two people is enough to get some drinks, it'll be a quick walk to 7-11"

Kris reclines back in his chair, and puts back on his sunglasses. "okay suit yourself then"

"Okay let's go! I have a bit of money" Sehun says happily

" should I tell Tao first he'll wonder where I've gone" I say

Sehun, "It's fine, hes having way too much fun over there to notice" as he point out the totally in the zone Tao modeling

"fine lets go" I say reluctantly

We walk over to the exit when Baekhyun shouts out from, who knows where, "Have a nice date guys!"

Sehun replies with shouting "it's not a date!"

We start walking down the winding halls of the building. As we exit, it is already dark out, but as always the streets were still packed with tones of people. Well what did I expect? We were in the centre of Seoul.

"So what were we buying again?"- Sehun asks with a confused look on his face, I gotta admit, he looks pretty cute when he's lost

....wait CUTE???? What am I saying? No, I can't fall for him

EXO Tao's girlfriend (tao and sehun fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now